

Harmonas Alkire

After John Connelly, the agent of John Murray, Earl of Dunmore, Royal Governor of Virginia, took possession of Fort Pitt, he named it Fort Dunmore early in 1774. He attempted retaliation for the Indian outrages and on 10 June the Governor called out the militia of southwest Virginia under the command of Gen. Andrew Lewis. In August the militia of Frederick County under Maj. Angus McDonald raided the Indian towns on the Muskingum River. Lord Dunmore came to the frontier and called on the neighboring militia to join in the expedition against the hostiles. Before his forces could join those of Gen. Lewis, the Indians attacked the latter on 10 October. The Indians were soundly defeated at the battle of Point Pleasant.


Harmonas Alkire was one of the militia called on to join in the forces against the hostiles.

The names of the soldiers on the pay rolls at Romney and 
Winchester: (following is taken from a copy of original 
handwritten list numbered 69-3220 with Lt Alkire second 
name on first page of two page document and signed 
by James Parsons.)

Capt.  James Parson's Roll

Names   Days Pay  Advances Balances To Whom Certificates
          [delvd] & when.

Hermonus Alkire, Lt. 154 57.15.0 - - . --  57.15.0 (check mark)

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