Absalom LITTELL, Private
December 12, 1751 - March 17, 1824
Continental Troops
Enlisted: 1777
Discharged: ----------------
Served with: Captain James Knox's Company
Colonel Daniel Morgan's Rifle Regiment
Early in the year 1777, Absalom Littell, and this name is also shown
on the payroll records as Absalom Little, became a member of the
regiment raised by Colonel Daniel Morgan from the men of Virginia and
western Pennsylvania. Most of the newly formed regiment, called
Morgan's Riflemen, or Morgan's Sharpshooters, had prior military
service. The regiment was first moved into the area near Washington's
headquarters, then located near Philadelphia, shortly thereafter they
marched into southern New Jersey. Referencing the 4 pay roll documents
that I have copies of Absalom received 6 2/3 Dollars pay per month.
Morgan's men were ordered north in August 1777 to join General Horatio
Gates in opposing the army of General John Burgoyne. Captain James Knox
was in immediate command of Morgan's Sharpshooters. They were an
intensively trained group of frontiersmen. They readily adapted their
skill to military purposes. Their roll in the Battles of Freeman's Farm
and Bemis Heights and the skill of the Sharpshooteres was called to the
attention of General Washington following the engagement at Bemis
Heights. He requested the transfer of Colonel Morgan's regiment back to
his area of encampment near Philadelphia. General Gates' reply reads
in part that he could
"not spare the corps of the army ------ Burgoyne is most afraid of."
The military records continue as to how the Sharpshooters were
designated to pursue the Tories across the Fishkill, and how on October
14, 1777 the surrender of Burgoyne was accomplished at Saratoga. The
war was to continue several years.
It was yet to be a hard winter for the American forces. Perhaps the
most outstanding event of the War of Independence in the mind of the
average American is that of General George Washington and his troops at
Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778. When the agony of the cold
winter finally faded and spring arrived, General Washington found
himself with an ill-clothed, ill-fed and shrinking army; almost totally
lacking in the necessary military supplies. As summer arrived in 1778
Morgan's Riflement were moving toward the Battle of Monmouth; they being
an advance scouting unit with the New Jersey militia under Philamon
Dickinson. The main army remained at Valley Forge. The observation
companies encountered a force under the command of Sir Henry Clinton
above Monmouth.
And as the war moved into the south, Colonel Morgan became a General to
render outstanding service to his country at the Battle of Cowpens and
many other battles.
Absalom was a son of Absalom Littell Sr. & Esther Pettyjohn. He married
Mary Norris, daughter of William & Ann (nee ?) Norris on December 12,
1783 Fayette County, Pennsylvania. Absalom & Mary were the parents of
five sons and 2 daughters, all born at Absalom Oak in Fayette County,
Pennsylvania. In 1799 they emigrated to Clark County, Indiana where
they remained.
Absalom Littell Jr and Mary Norris Littell were my 5th great grandparents.
Absalom Littell Sr and Esther Pettyjohn Littell were my 6th great
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