Antoinette's Genealogy & Family History Home Page
to the
Personal Home Page
Genealogy & Family History
Antoinette Waughtel
her children
Robert Ricardo Felix Joseph, Lisa Gaye Guadalupe,
Mitchell Guy William, Stephanie Esperanza Victoria,
Sabrina Antoinette Dorothy, & Steven Troy James
her grandchildren
Deidra Ann, Danella Marie, Robert Ricardo, Jr.
Christopher David, James William, Melanie Marie,
Richard Patrick, Tabitha Ann, Caitlin Michael,
Mariah Esperanza, David Nathaniel, Malinda Antoinette,
Anthony Rutilo, & Cody Shannon
her great grandchildren
Kaelynne Mahalia
Nevaeh Esperanza
Rebecca Louise & Cassandra Elizabeth
Christopher David, Jr.
Victoria Antoinette & Ethan Thomas
her siblings
Robert James, John Roy, Beverly Fern,
Arthur Joseph, Leola Dorothy, Mary Ann,
William James, Edwin Charles, Gary Leroy
aka Gary Lloyd, Jerry Lavern aka Jerry Alexander,
Sharon Isal, Teresa Charlene, & all their children.
This Genealogy/Family History is dedicated to our Mother,
for without her, we would not be here.
Isal Gertrude Wilcox (Waughtel-White-Call-Moxley)
Let us take a stroll down Memory's Lane
Where we can pretend to be quite young again
The little ones who bring us laughter and cheer
And all the sounds of happiness we hold so dear
Family Names Being Researched
Alkire, Bowles, Breckenridge, Broer, Burton, Cann, Claypoole,
Crawford, Craymor, Cross, Denton, Dunbar, Dougherty, Drybread,
Evans, Falkenberry, Ford, Fullenwider, Gardner, Gorrell,
Harmonsen, Hujet/Huyet, Jimenez, Keil, Keith, Kerns/es,
Knot/ts, Ladner, Lawler, Leffler, Littell, Longnecker, Lusby,
Merrifield, Nave, Neeld, Norris, Ogle, Patton, Pettyjohn,
Philabaum, Ponsler, Robertson, Robinson, Rogers, Shumard,
Sinex, Sinnickson, Smith, Spannsilier, Stedham, Storm/s,
Tossawa/Tussey, Vantreese, Wachtel/Waughtel, Walker,
Werdeman, West, White, Wilcox, Winfield
Some of the following links have a lot of graphics, so please be patient while
they load...you'll be glad you did.
  Want to see my newest additions? You'll find a list HERE. 
  Looking for a site map? Search Engine?
Family Forum, and more? You'll find it HERE. 
 My Surnames & Family Genealogy Databases: 
Thanks to the very hard work and the commitment of all of our family researchers,
we will soon be putting up a new and expanded database for your perusal. Please
be patient while this area is under reconstruction. We know you will be pleased with all of
the new information we have been able to add. Don't forget to check back often. 
Antoinette's Research Aids Page
A new page with lots of Internet Goodies and a site map.
My Military Persons
Documents to help you in your family research
Wills, Indentures, Deeds, etc
The Falkenberg Story
A Heroine's Story
The Mystery of Rome Waughtel
Can you help solve this mystery?
The Adoption of Antoinette Ponsler
Please visit my cemetery
The Thomas Sinex Family Vault
The Sinex Chest-A Work of Art
The chest brought over by the Immigrant
And take a side trip to the Old Swedes Church
My Library of Genealogy Books
My Obituary Page
A Special Obituary Page and Tribute to My Parents
A Special Memorial to My Brother, John Roy Waughtel
My Family Bible Records Index Page
My Family Album
This page has a lot of graphics, so please be patient.
A Fun Page For Mariah and Anthony
Please be patient, this page loads slowly. While you are waiting why don't you
go grab a snack and a cool drink.
My Links and More Page
All good Genealogy Web Sites have one of these.
E-mail Antoinette     
My Dream Book has been moved to my new Research Aids Page.
Your comments are very important to me so be sure to go there and sign
My New Dream Book.
Thank you...Antoinette.
Submit your site
My first award, received 10/24/98

This award received 2/22/99
Thank you Shannon "Cerene"

This award received 12/12/1999
Thank you Cathy

This award received 2/04/2000
Thank you Mark
Copyright© by Antoinette, August 21, 1998.
   Be sure to bookmark my page before you leave.
Last updated 12/19/2001