We accept you sweet little one,
We know there is nothing that you have done.
To bring about to you this fate,
But we're glad we're here 'fore it was too late.
Your life 'till now has been so sad,
And we hope in time that you'll be glad.
We've come to take you with us now,
So, come along and we'll show you how.
We have for you a real nice house,
We cleaned so clean you won't find a mouse.
We have a room just specially for you,
And a brother and sister to play with too.
There are lots of clothes and toys aplenty,
And many cupboards that are never empty.
There are cookies and breads you'll love to munch,
And lots of dollies you'll love a whole bunch.
But the best thing we have is for you too,
And that's our promise that we'll always love you.
So, dry your tears and let's get a start,
We've got lots to do to fill your heart.
Welcome to our family little one,
We really hope when all is said and done,
That you'll be pleased we chose you to be,
The newest member of our family.
by D. Kilroy for Antoinette
12th MAY, A.D. 1875
Circuit Court Record Bk M - pg 119
At a term of the Circuit Court held in and for the
County of Shelby and State of Illinois, at the Court
House in Shelbyville, on the 12th day of
May, A.D.,
Present: the Hon. H. M. Vandeveer, Judge oc.
In the matter of the petition of Daniel F. Augenstine
and Frances Augenstine, his wife, for the adop-
tion of a minor child known as Antoinette Ponsler.
This cause coming on to be heard upon the petition
of the said Daniel F. Augenstine and Frances
Augenstine, and it appearing to the Court that the said
Antoinette Ponsler is a minor child and has no
parents nor guardian, and that the nearest of kin to said
child is its grandfather, Solomon Ponsler, and it appearing
to the Court that the said Solomon Ponsler gave his full
and free consent that the prayer of the petitioners may be granted,
and that said Antoinette should be adopted by the said Daniel F.
Augenstine and Frances Augenstine.
And it further appearing to the Court that the petitioners have
sufficient ability to bring up said child and furnish suitable
nurture and education for the same.
It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that
from and after the date of this decree, the name of said child
shall be changed from that of Antoinette Ponsler to that of Antoinette
Augenstine, and that from henceforth said child shall become to all
legal intents and purposes the child of Daniel F. Augenstine and
Frances Augenstine.
John F. Aldrich )
et al. ) Specific Performance
ex parte ) Continued generally oc.
Thomas Burns Et al )
vs ) Partition
Antonius Veruier Et al) Continued generally
The above noted Antoinette Ponsler, (born to Caroline Ponsler,
17 year old unwed daughter of said Solomon Ponsler, who died
in childbirth) and father unknown was my grandmother. It was
only this year that I was able to find any adoption papers and
had always thought my grandmother was raised by the Augenstine
family, not legally adopted by them. I had written Shelby County
courts for over 30 years trying to get some sort of adoption
acknowledgement but to no avail. I would like to thank Eileen M.
Bridges of Windsor, IL who saw my query online and went to
Shelbyville and found the record for me. Thank you so much, Eileen.
Through this adoption, my grandmother had a step-sister Lottie
Augenstine who married Harry Leitzell and they resided in
Altamont, Illinois having a Photography Studio there; and
a step-brother John Clyde Augenstine whom we called Uncle
Clyde, but I have no further information on him.

Copyright© by Antoinette, January 2, 1999