Clark County, Indiana
Will Book B, pp 322-323
October 21, 1821
In the name of God Amen I Absalom Littell of Clark County Indiana being
weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be the
Almighty God for such a blessing, do make and publish this my last will
and testament, in manner and form following, that is to say, I give and
bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary all that messuage, tenament or tract
of land on which I now live During her life and at her death I do give
and bequeath the premises aforesaid, lying and being in the County of
Clark State of Indiana Clarks Grant in the northwest corner of No. ninty
one containing one hundred and twenty three acres be the same more or
less to have and hold unto my youngest son Josiah T. Littell his heirs
and assigns forever. I moreover give and bequeath unto my beloved wife
Mary all the residue or ballance of my real Estate together with the
whole of my personal Estate lands notes goods and Chattles of what kind
and nature so ever to be for her benefit and at her disposial during her
life and at her death to be disposed of in manor and form following,
viz; The notes or bonds calling for money how holden by me in the amount
of three hundred dollars, one hundred of which money is now in the
possession of my son Absalom Littell, the other two hundred in the
possession of my sonilaw Moses Sellers at Interest, which amount or the
part that remains unused by my said wife Mary if any to be divided unto
three Equal parts the one third part to be Equally Divided between my
two Daughters Anna and Margaret the other two thirds to be put into the
possession of William Pettyjohn my soninlaw if living and if possible to
be kept at Interest for the benefit of my helpless grandson Amos
Pettyjohn if living and during his life if not living or at his death
the principle to be Equally divided between the lawfull descendants of
my two Daughters aforesaid. The residue or Ballance of my whole Estate
both real and person not otherwise disposed of by my said wife Mary to
be Equally divided between my five sons Amos, Abraham, Absalom, John
Thompson, and Josiah T. Littell as may be agreed upon either with or
without sale. It is further my wish and desire that my beloved wife
Mary should dispose of all the household furniture as she may think most
adviseable whome I hereby appoint Executrix with my sons
Absalom Littell and Josiah T. Littell Executors of this my last will and
testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made and it is my harts
desire and prayr to God that there be no disputes among you but live
together in love and peace and may the God of all peace bless you all
with Grace divine is my prayr for the Redeemers sake. In witness
whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of
October in the years of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty
/s/ Absalom Littell (Seal)
Signed Sealed published and declared by
the above named Absalom Littell
to be his last will and testament in
the presance of us who have hereunto
subscribed our names as witness in
the presence of the testator.
/s/ Absalom Littell Jun (Seal)
/s/ Moses W. Sellers
(on the outside front is the following:
March 11th 1825 &
approved by [ ]
[ this line illegible ]
[ this line illegible ]
John C-------- ]
Absalom Littell (and wife Mary nee Norris) are my 5th great
Copyright© by Antoinette May 19, 1999