Absalom's Oak
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Absalom Little
Luzerne Township , Fayette County
3 November 1787
The Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `          To all to whom these presents shall Come Greetings:
Com. of Penna `          Know Ye that in Consideration of the Monies paid by said Absalom
to                      `          Little into the Receiver Generals Office of this Commonwealth at the
Absalom Little `          granting of the Warrant hereinafter mentioned and of the sum of
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `           Fifteen pounds six Shillings lawful Money now Paid by him unto the
said office there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said
Absalom Little, A Certain Tract of Land called "Absalom's Oak"
Situate on the Waters of Dunlaps Creek in Luzerne Township Fayette
County, Beginning at a corner White Oak of Charles Porters land
thence by the same South sixty three degrees East thirteen perches
and one half to a post thence by land of Robert Smith South eight
degrees and an half West two hundred and fifty eight perches to a post
thencey by land of John Connor North fifty seven degrees West
seventy six perches to a White Oak North thirty degrees West fifty two
perches to a Stump North sixtyone degrees West sixty seven perches
to a post North fifty six degrees West sixty nine perches to a Red Oak
North thirty five degrees West thirty nine perches and an half to a
White Oak North fifty three degrees East forty two perches to
a Maple Stump North eighty six degrees East twenty one perches to a
White Oak North Seventy one degrees East seventy three perches and an half to a white
Oak North eighty one degrees East fourteen perches to an Ash Tree and South seventy five
degrees and an half East nine perches and an half to a Blak Oak thence by land of Lewis Deem
North seventy degrees East sixty five perches and an half to the place of Beginning
Containing One hundred and ninety seven Acres and an half and allowance of Six P Cent for Roads
&c. With the appurtenances. (Which said Tract was surveyed in pursuance of a Warrant
granted to the said Absalom Little dated the 13 November 1784) To have and to hold the
said Tract or parcel of Land with the Appurtenances to the said Absalom Little and his
Heirs to the use of him the said Absalom Little his heirs and Assigns forever free and
clear of all Restrictions and Reservations as to Mines Royalties Quit Rents or otherwise excepting
and reserving only the fifth part of all Gold and Silver Ore for the use of this
Commonwealth to be delivered at the Pits Mouth clear of all Charges. In Witness whereof his
Excelency Benjamin Franklin Esq. President of the Supreme Executive Councel hath hereto set his hand
and caused the State Seal to be hereto affixed in Council the third day of November in
the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the Commonwealth the
Attest:                                                                         /s/ B. Franklin
James Trimble               }(State)
for Charles Biddle Secretary }(Seal )
                                                                                      Inrolled in the Rolls Office of the
State of Pennsylvania In Patent Book No. 11 page [3_ ]        Witness my hand & Seal
of Office the 3d November 1787.
Nathn. Irwin (Inrollment office seal)
Absalom Littell (aka Little) & Mary (nee Norris) were my 5th great
Copyright© by Antoinette, August 01, 1999