Commonwealth of Virginia
March 24, 1790
Surety Bond
Alexander Robertson, Sheriff

Alexander Robertson
Sheriff of Mercer County
Know all men by these presents that we Alexander Robertson, Samuel McAfee,
James McAfee, Jacob Fromm and James Speed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
are held and firmly bound unto the Treasurer of this Commonwealth of
Virginia for the time being in the Sum of one hundred thousand pounds of
Current Money to which pay will and truly made to the said Treasurer and his
Successors for the use of the said Commonwealth we bind ourselves our Heirs
Executors and Adminstrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents
sealed with our seals dated this 24th day of March 1790
The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bound
Alexander Robertson Sheriff of Mercer County [ ] should truly and
faithfully collect pay and account for the duties and Taxes within his said
County for the year 1787 according to the Law directing the same to be
collected then this obligation to be void.
                                                                       /s/      Alexr Robertson    (seal)
                                                                       /s/      Samuel McAfee    (seal)
                                                                       /s/      James McAfee    (seal)
                                                                       /s/      Jacob Fromm    (seal)
                                                                       /s/      James Speed    (seal)
Note: On the folded outside portion of this document, it states:
      Sheriff                )
         ) [      ] tax
     Treasurer           )
                A. Robertson
                Mar 1790
Copyright© by Antoinette,October 12, 1998
