Shelby County, Kentucky
13 December 1794
This Indenture made this thirteenth day of December in the year
of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety four Between
Alexander Robertson of the County of Mercer and State of Kentucky
and Margaret his wife of the one part and William Crawford of the
County of Augusta and State of Virginia of the other part Witnesseth
that the said Alexander Robertson for and in consideration of the
sum of two hundred and twenty five pounds Virginia Currency to him
in hand paid by the said William Crawford the Receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged and himself therewith fully Satisfied he the said
Alexander Robertson hath Granted bargained and sold [alien] and
confirmed and by these presents do Grant Bargain and file [aliened]
and confirmed unto the said William Crawford his heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns the full quantity of five hundred and forty
two acres of land Situate in Shelby County and State of Kentucky
on both sides of Bullskin Creek a branch of [Reashearns ??] Creek
and Bounded as followeth: To wit. Beginning at two Beeches and
Sugar tree on the west side of a [small] Branch and Extending thence
North sixteen degrees East two hundred and fifty poles to a Hickory
and two Beeches thence East three hundred and sixty poles to an Ash
White Oak and Black Walnut
thence South sixteen degrees West two hundred and fifty poles to an
Ash and Sugar tree thence West three hundred and sixty poles to the
Beginning To have and to hold the said five hundred and forty two acres
of land and all singular the premises above mentioned and all and every
part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said William
Crawford his heirs and assigns to the [only/duly] proper use benefit and
behoof of the said William Crawford his heirs and assigns forever and
the said Alexander Robertson for himself his heirs Executors Administrators
and assigns the said five hundred and forty two acres of land and premises
and every part and parcel thereof against him and his heirs and against all
and every other person or Persons whatsoever to the said William Crawford
his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever [defend ] by them
presents the said Alexander Robertson for himself his heirs Executors and
Administrators doth also further covenant and agree to and with the said
William Crawford his heirs afd (aforesaid) that He the said Alexander
Robertson his heirs Executors & Administrators shall and will at any time
or times hereafter whenever thereunto required give Grant make Over and
Convey by any other Conveyance that may be Lawfully advised devised
and required by the said William Crawford Council Learned in the Law the
five hundred and forty two acres of land with the appurtenances thereunto
belonging to the said William Crawford and his heirs in as full, free and
absolute a manner as can be by words expressed According to the true
intent and meaning of them presents. In Witnessess whereof the said
Alexander Robertson and Margaret his wife hath hereunto set their hands
and seals the day and year first before mentioned.
Alexr Robertson (seal)
Sealed signed and Delivered
in the presence
Martin Daniel
Thos Daniel
Jas Armstrong
Jonathn Boone
December 13th 1794
I acknowledge to have Received from William Crawford before the
Signing of the within Conveyance the sum of two hundred and twenty
five pounds Current Lawfull money of Virginia it being in consideration
for the within mentioned tract of land and premises.
Witness Present Alexr Robertson
Martin Daniel
Thos Daniel
Shelby [ ]
December County Court 1794
This Indenture was proved to be the Act and deed of Alexander
Robertson by the Oaths of Martin Daniel and James Armstrong two
Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be Certified.
James Craig, C c
Shelby [ ]
January County Court 1795
This Indenture was fully proved by the oath of Thomas Daniel
and ordered to be Recorded.
James Craig C
NOTE: In a note accompanying the copies of this suit settlement from
Shelby County Old Records Clerk was the following statement:
Quote -
The 1st one was 1795 when Alexander of Mercer County sold to Wm
Crawford 542 acres on Bullskin Creek. He may have received this as
a Grant or Military Warrant - even before 1792 - when Kentucky & Shelby
County were established from Virginia. Or it could have been a "poor"
deed that needed correction - very early land speculators (such as Chas.
Lynch) didn't always make clear deed boundaries, requiring corrections later.
- Unquote
Copyright© by Antoinette January 12, 1999