Know all men by these presents that we Margaret Robertson, Stephen G.
Letcher Sen. & John Hann are held and firmly bound unto Tho. Freeman, Jas
Thompson, David Knox , Jesse Hale & Wm B. Rice,
Justices of the peace for the County of Mercer [constituting] in the sum of
two thousand pounds current money of Kentucky to which payment will and
truly to be made to the said Justices and their successors we bind ourselves
our heirs Executors & Adminstrators Jointly and severally firmly by these
presents sealed with our Seal and dated this 27th day of Sept. 1802.
The condition of this obligation is that if the said Margaret Robertson
Admr. of all the goods chattles and credits of sd Decedant ~~~~~ do make a
true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods chattles and
credits of the sd decd which have or shall come to the hands possession or
knowledge of them the said Admtr ~~~~~~~~~~~ or into the hands or
possession of any other person or persons for her and the same so made do
exhibit into the County Court of Mercer where he shall be thereto required
by the said Court and such goods chattles and credits etc will & truly
administer according to Law and further do make a just [ ] of Actings
and doings therein when thereto required by the said Court and all the rest
of the said goods chattles and credits which shall be found remaining upon
the account of the said Admtr the same being examined & allwed by the
Justices of the said Court for the time being shall deliver and pay unto
such persons respectively as are entitled to the same by law and such if it
shall hereafter appear that any Last Will & Testament was made by the
deceased & the same be proved in Court and the executor obtain a Certificate
of the probate thereof and the said Margaret ~~~~~ do in such case being
required under & delivers of these letters of adminstration then this
obligation to be void [and] to remain in full force.
                                                                  /s/ Margaret Robertson   (seal)
Exd in presence of                                      /s/ Stephn G Letcher   (seal)
the Court                                                       /s/ Jn Hann   (seal)
of the Estate of
Alex. Robertson, decd
Inventory of what I recd of the Estate of Alexr Robertson
Decd     To Wit
Two Hundred Acres |          | 200 |
One Horse |          |   25 |
One Bed |          |    8 |
2 Cows |          |    6 |
1 Ewe and Lamb |          |    0.12 |
  |          | 214.12 |
                                                 /s/ Eliza. George
Gerrard County Sc
I hereby testify that Elizabeth George late Elizabeth Letcher wife of John
Letcher Decd came before me Abner Baker a Justice of the peace for the
County aforesd and made Oath that the above Inventory contains all the
Property that she recd of her Fathers Estate given under my hand this 12th
day of September 1804.
                                         /s/ Abner Baker JP
NOTE: Alexander Robertson & Margaret (nee Robinson) were my 5th great
grandparents. Although in the past 2 or 3 years there have been a few
researchers who do not believe that Charles Robertson was a son of Alexander
& Margaret, I will continue claiming them as such, until resolved in the
other fashion. Antoinette
Copyright© by Antoinette, October 12, 1998