In the name of God Amen: I, William Nave Alkire of the Village of
Greenview, in the County of Menard and State of Illinois, at the age of
Eighty Two (82) years and being of Sound Mind and Memory do Make publish and
declare this my last Will and Testament in the Manner following - that is to
Say -
First - : I give and bequeath to my Wife Jemima Whitton Alkire - All of
Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Block Nine (9) all of Lots Three (3)
Four (4) Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Eleven (11) all Situate in the
Village of Greenview Menard County Illinois. Together with all the
hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise
appertaining = to have and to hold the Said premises above described during
her natural life time - and at her death the said above described premises
to be divided as follows: -
To Newton Goff Alkire my Son one third of the vallue of the above premises
and to my Son Leonard Goff Alkire the remaining two thirds of said premises
and if the said Newton Goff Alkire and Leonard Goff Alkire my Sons can agree
upon the division of Said premises
next page --
as above described and determineds they shall be allowed to do so - but do
they not agree then in that case - the above described premises with all of
their appurtenances shall be sold for cash to the highest bider and the
money divided as above described - namely: To Newton Goff alkire one third
of said money and to Leonard Goff Alkire the remaining two thirds of said money.
And lastly I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my
personal estate - goods and chattles of what nature or kind soever to my
wife Jemima Whitton Alkire --
And I hereby appoint my wife Jemima Whitton Alkire and James T. Foster my
Executors of this my last Will and Testament - hereby revoking all former
Wills made by me =
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this the tenth day
of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty Four.
                               /s/ William Nave Alkire (seal)
next page --
The above instrument consisting of one sheet = was at the date thereof -
Signed - Sealed - published and declared by Said William Nave Alkire - as
and for his last will and testament in presence of us - who have subscribed
our names as witnesses thereto and at the same time declared to us and Each
of us that he had Signed and Sealed the Same - And are therefore - at his
request - and in his presence and in the presence of Each other signedour
names Thereto as attesting Witnesses }} --
Hosea Dockum                          residing at Greenview Menard Co. Ills
James Tripp                               residing at Greenview Menard Co. Ills
Note on back - along side
Filed June 15, 1885
      E. W. Eads,
Proved and admitted
to record June 15, 1885
H. H. Hoagland
County Judge
AND a note along side this --
Feb 4/1939 -
It appearing that the within Will was not
recorded in the records of the County Court.
It is ordered that the Clerk now record
said instrument.
      Virgil O. Whipp
Recorded in Executors Will Record "B" Page 248
           Maurice E. Ogden, Clerk
NOTE: When I wrote for this Will of William Nave Alkire (my great great
great grandfather) I did not know what I was getting into. This probate
packet contained nearly 50 pages of miscellaneous documents. William Nave
Alkire had been married twice prior to his marriage to Jemima Whitton, a
widow. He, through the union of his first wife Elizabeth Denton - my
direct line - had several children and at this time all grown and on their
own, and each had to be traced for Probate Court Summons. Elizabeth Alkire,
daughter of William Nave Alkire & wife Elizabeth (nee Denton), had married
Levi Wilcox and with their family, including married children with their
families, were enroute to Washington Territory.
(Elizabeth Alkire & Levi Wilcox are my great great grandparents).
Copyright© by Antoinette, October 12, 1998