This Indenture made this first day of September in the year one thousand
eight hundred and ten, between William Alkire, John Alkire, Michael
Alkire, Adam Alkire, Harmonius Alkire Jn., George Alkire, Caty Alkire,
Peggy Alkire, Elizabeth Mitts widow, late Elizabeth Alkire, Jacob Trumbo
and Deborah his wife, late Deborah Alkire, Solomon Hornback and Lydia
his wife, late Lydia Alkire, Simon Hornback and Sally his wife, late
Sally Alkire all the legal heirs of Harmonius Alkire, late of Bourbon
County, Kentucky, now deceased of the one part and Richard Smart of the
County of Franklin and State of Kentucky of the other part, Witnesseth,
that, for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars paid to
the said Harmonius Alkire deceased in his lifetime, the receipt whereof
his said Heirs do hereby acknowledge and therefrom forever acquit and
discharge the said Richard Smart, they the above named heirs of the said
Harmonius Alkire deceased, in due performance of the Contract of their
deceased Ancestor, have given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed and
by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said
Richard Smart his heirs and assigns forever, one certain tract or parcel
of land situated in the County of Bourbon and State of Kentucky, on the
waters of Hustons Fork of Licking, being part of a tract of land
patented in the name of Henry Field and conveyed by his son Thomas Field
to the above named heirs of Harmonius Alkire and bounded as followeth,
to wit. Beginning at a horn and blue ash and hornbeam and running
thence with the said Richard Smarts old line, south eighty nine degrees
West one hundred and forty seven poles to a sugar tree, black ash and to
two small hickories, thence south one degree East twenty one poles and
three quarters to a coffee nut, small black walnut and two small
hickories, thence north eight nine degrees East one hundred and one
degree West twenty one poles and three quarter to the Beginning.
Containing twenty acres. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel
of land with every of the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining to the only proper use and behoof of then said Richard
Smart his heirs and assigns forever. And the above named heirs of the
said Harmonius Alkire, do each for themselves, their heirs, Executors or
Administrators. Covenant, Promise and Agree to and with the said
Richard Smart his heirs and assigns that the premises above mentioned
and herein conveyed now are and forever hereafter shall remain free of
and from all former and other gifts, grants, bargains, sales, dower,
right and title of dower, titles, troubles, charges and incumbrances
whatsoever done or suffered to be done by them the said heirs of
Harmonius Alkire deceased do also add the following clauses of Warranty
and thereto bind themselves their heirs and other legal representatives,
that they shall and will warrant and forever defend the titles of the
land hereby bargained and sold against themselves and heirs and all
persons claiming under them, and that if the said land, or any part
thereof shall be lost by any prior or interfering claim, they will
refund the purchase money for the whole or any part thereof which may be
so lost with legal interest thereon from the seventeenth day of November
in the yhear one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight, the date of
the purchase and the purchase money hereby declared to be five dollars
per Acre ~~~ in testimony whereof the said heirs of Harmonius Alkire
have hereunto set their hands and seals the date first above written.
Signed, sealed & acknowledged by William & Harmonius Al
kire Jr ~~ Before Ezekiel H.Field David M. Hickman B. Mills |
  |   |   |   | Wm Alkire |   |   | (seal) |
  |   |   |   | Harmonius | his mark | Alkire | (seal) |
  |   |   |   | John Alkire |   |   | (seal) |
Simon Hornback |   |   | (seal) | Susanna | her mark | Alkire | (seal) |
George Alkire
|   |   | (seal) | Elizabeth | her mark | Mitts | (seal) |
By Wm Alkire | his | Att. in | fact | Margaret | her mark | Alkire | (seal) |
Sol. Hornback |   |   | (seal) | Sarah | her mark | Alkire | (seal) |
Lydia | her mark | Hornback | (seal) | Caty | her mark | Alkire | (seal) |
Jacob Trumbo |   |   | (seal) | Dorothy | her mark | Alkire | (seal) |
Deborah | her mark | Alkire | (seal) | Michael | his mark | Alkire | (seal) |
Note: This deed was accompanied by a note from Carl Alkire
that the Harmonius Jr shown above was his Great Great
Grandfather. He also states
"This is the settlement of Maunis Alkire's estate. He d (May)
1800, but it was not till Sept 1, 1810 that this 20 acre parcel of
Maunis Alkire's land was cleared to the one who gets it - Richard
Smart. That is, he could not get clear title till now when in this
deed, all Maunis' 12 children & their spouses signed it, giving
Smart clear title. This is a very important document as it
establishes who the 6 living sons & 6 living daughters of Harmonius
were, & who their mates were, thus connecting the Alkire's in Ohio,
Indiana, and Illinois with Harmonas 1730-1800 & wife Lydia Patton."
State of Ohio }
Pickaway County }
I James Denny Clerk of the Common Pleas Court for the
County & State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the
aforementioned John Alkire, Susanna Alkire, George Alkire,
Caty Alkire, Margaret Alkire, Elizabeth Mitts, Caty Alkire,
Sarah Hornback, Dorothy Alkire, Michael Alkire & Simon
Hornback appeared in open Court at the November Term
thereof in the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, and
then and there acknowledged the foregoing deed, to be their act
and deed for the purposes therein mentioned; and the said
Susanna Alkire, Caty, Alkire, Margaret Alkire, Elizabeth Mitts,
Caty Alkire, & Dorothy Alkire being examined privily and apart
from their husband by one of the Justices of said Court did declare
that they did freely & willingly sign & seal and deliver the said
writing then shewn and explained to them and that they wished not
to retract it.~~~
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of said Court of Jefferson, in Pickaway County & Said State
this Twelvth day of November in the year one thousand Eight hundred
and Ten. ~~~~ James Denny
September the 19, 1810
State of Ohio Pickaway County
I do certify that on this day came Susanna Alkire, wife of John Alkire
and was examined, empartially and apart from her husband before me
George Hornbeck a Justice of said County and that she did of her free
will and consent agree to the within Deed or Instrument of Writing.
Given under my hand and seal.
George Hornbeck (seal)
State of Kentucky
Bullett County SeCt
I the Clerk of Bullett County Court do hereby certify that on the 19th
day of November 1810, Solomon Hornback and Lydia his wife two of a
party to the within Indenture personally before me at my office
acknowledged the same to be their voluntary acts & Deeds. She the
Said Lydia was examined by me as the law requires & also relinquished
her right of Dower in & to the Land within mentioned date above.
Fredc. W. S. Grayson, C. B.C.C.

Copyright© by Antoinette, October 25, 1999