Maunis & Lydia ALKIRE
Michael THORN
Bk 2 Pg 307
County of Hampshire, Colony of Virginia
Fourth Day of October 1765
This Indenture made the Fourth Day of October in the Year
of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty five
Between Maunis Alkier of the County of Hampshire in the
Colony of Virginia & Lydia his wife of the one Part and
Michael Thorn of the Same Place of the other Part
Witnesseth That for and in consideration of the sum of
One Hundred Pounds current Money of Virginia to the said
Maunis Alkier in Hand paid by the said Michale Thorn and
or before the Sealing and Delivery of these Presents the
Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof
doth release acquit and discharge the said Michael Thorn his
Executors and Administrators by these Presents. They the
said Maunis Alkier & Lydia his Wife Have granted bargained
sold aliened released and confirmed and by these Presents
DO Grant Bargain Sell Alien Release and Confirm unto the
said Michael Thorn (in his actual possession now being by
virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the said
Maunis Alkier for One whole Year by Indenture bearing Date
the Day next before the Day of the Date of these Presents
and by force of the Statute for transferring uses into possession)
and his Heirs A certain Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land being
Part of Lot Number 16 on the South Fork of the South Branch
of Potomack in the said County Beginning at a Spanish Oak
corner to Lot Number 15 Thence with a Line of the said Lot
reversed North Sixty Nine Degrees East Two Hundred & Twenty
Six Poles to a black Oak on the said South Fork Thence down the
Meanders thereof North Seven Degrees West Twenty Eight Poles
North Sixteen Degrees East Thirty Poles North Seventy Seven
Degrees East Six Poles North Seventeen Degrees East Forty Two
Poles to a Sycamore Thence South Seventy Five Degrees West
Two Hundred & Eight Poles to Three Sycamores [by a Gut] Thence
North Thirty Eight Degrees West Twenty Four Poles to a black
Walnut in the Line of Lot Number 17 Thence with the Line thereof
reversed South Sixty Degrees West One Hundred & Forty Five
Poles to Two White Oaks & a Pine corner to the said Lot Thence
South Fifty Five Degrees East One Hundred & Twenty Three
Poles to the Beginning containing Two Hundred & Three Acres
which said Lot Number 16 was granted to the said Maunis Alkier
by the Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia by Deed bearing
Date the Sixth Day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand
Seven Hundred & Sixty Five as by the same Deed may appear and
all the Houses Buildings Orchards Ways Waters Water Courses
Profits Commodities Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever
to the said Premises hereby granted or any Part thereof belonging
or in any wise appertaining And the Reversion and Reversions
Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof and
all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Property Claim and
Demand whatsoever of them the said Maunis Alkier & Lydia his
Wife of in and to the said Premises and all Deeds & Evidences
and Writings touching or in any wise concerning the same To have
and to hold the Lands hereby conveyed and all and singular other
the Premises hereby granted and released and every Part and
Parcell thereof with their and every of their Appurtenances unto
the said Michael Thorn his Heirs and Assigns forever to the only
proper use and behoof of him the said Michael Thorn and of his
Heirs and Assigns forever AND the said Maunis Alkier & Lydia
his Wife for themselves their Heirs Executors and Administrators
do covenant promise and grant to and with the said Michael Thorn
his Heirs and Assigns by these Presents That the said Maunis
Alkier & Lydia his Wife now at the Time of Sealing and delivering
of these Presents are Seized of good pure perfect and indefisable
Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple of and in the Premises hereby
granted and released and they they have good Power and lawful
and [    ] absloute authority to grant and convey
the same to the said Michael Thorn in manner and form aforesaid
and that the said premises now and so forever hereafter shall
remain and be free and clear of and from all former and other Gifts
Grants Bargains Sales Dower Right and Ttile of Dower Judgments
Executions Titles Troubles Charges and Encumbrances whatsoever
made done dommitted or suffered by the said Maunis Alkier &
Lydia his wife or any other Person or Persons whatsoever (The Quit
Rents hereafter to grow due and payable for and in respect of the
premises only excepted and foreprized AND LASTLY That the said
Maunis Alkier & Lydia his Wife and their heirs all and singular the
premises hereby granted and released with the appurtenances unto
the said Michael Thorn his heirs and Assigns against them the said
Maunis Alkier & Lydia his Wife and their heirs and all and every
other Person and Persons whatsoever shall warrant and forever
defend by these presents In Witness whereof the said Maunis Alkier
& Lydia his Wife have hereunto set their Hands and Seals the Day
and year first above written.
Sealed and Delivered } his
in the Presenece of } Maunis a Alkier (L S)
Christian Bingaman her
Peter Cutright Lydia v Alkier (L S)
Adam Brown (B his mark) mark
At a Court held for Hampsire County the 8th Day of October 1765
This Deed of Release from Maunis Alkier & Lydia his Wife to
Michael Thorn was acknowledged by the said Maunis & Ordered
to be Recorded and his wife Ordered that a Commission Issue to
take the Acknowledgement & bring Examination of the said Lydia.
Test - Gabriel Jones C Clk
Copyright© by Antoinette May 17, 1999