Town of Salem
County of Salem
State of New Jersey
5 August 1819
Last Will & Testament of ANDREW SINNICKSON, ESQ., decd. 1819
In the Name of God Amen I Andrew Sinnickson of the Town of Salem in the
County of Salem and State of New Jersey being in Perfect health and in
sound mind and memory Blessed be God and baring in mind that there is a
time appointed to die and not knowing how sune I may be called before
the Judg of all the Earth I do hereby make this my Last Will and
Testament In manner and form following that is as sune as Conveniently
that my be after my desees I order my Executors hereinafter named to
Berrey me in the yard Belonging to the Apiscabl Church in the Towne of
Saleme by the Side of my Brother Thomas and in a convenient time after
my desees I order my Executors to make sale of all my Personal Estate
that Is not hereafter Convaed at publick Sale and pay all my Just debts
and funeral Expenses.
Item I give and bequeth unto my loving Wife Elizabeth Sinnickson the
Dwelling House and Such apart of the Lot whareon It stands as is not
hereafter convayed for her one youse and occupation During her natural
life and I further give unto my said wife all my House hold and kitchen
furniture Except my Libury Desk and Book Case and I further give unto my
said wife one horse Two Cows and two hogs. I further give unto my Said
Wife the youse of getting her Fior wood of the Lot I purchest of John
Redstrick over Quintons Bridg. I further give unto my said Wife the
House uptown and the House in the Medow down Margrethe Lane and the
rants and proffits thareof to hur hur hairs and asigns forEver and I
further Give and Bequth unto my
said Wife one Thousand Dollers in Money that shall be good and lawful
money of this State to be paid to hur by my Execetors one year from my
Desees and all the before mentioned propperty I give unto my Said Wife
in lue of hur Dower of my hole Estate and not other-Wise and my will is
that my afoursaid wife do make her choise in a resonable time after my
Desees by declaring in riting to my Executors hereafter named hur choise
[ ] she take by giving them a release of Dower to all my Real
Estate and If in Case that my said wife dus [nonth] Except of the before
mentioned propperty and money in lue of the afoursaid dower than my Will
is that my Executtors do make sale of the same and the money arising
therefrom to be divided between my four daughers Mary Ann Rebecca and
Sarah Sinnickson Equaly alike.
Item I give and bequeth unto my Sun Thomas Sinnickson all that
Plantation that I purchest of John Smith late Sharif known by the name
of the Philpot Farm Lying and being in the Township of Lower Penns Neck
and County of Salem with all the medow that I have attached to It lying
with in the Bounds of the Fishing Island and Holgate Meadows wich
Plantation is subposed to Contain One hundred and saventy acres more or
less with all the Improvements there unto belonging I give unto my said
Sun Thomas Sinnickson to him his hairs and asines forEver in Feesimpol.
I further give unto my said Sun Thomas Sinnickson So much of that Farm
that was lade of to me
by the Commishioners apointed by the Court [Cumprising] the Peroggative
Court of New Jersey Lying and being in Lower Penns Neck known by the
name of the Pennington Farm and is Bounded as follows: Begining at a
stone at the End of the [marsh] land and from thence North [6 1/2] East
13 Chanes 79 Links to my homested Farm thence Bounding on the same North
76 West 10 Chanes & 64 Links to the S W Corner of said homested Farm
from thence on a strate line to the corner of Vining Hills Farm whare
the Rode puts in to gow (go ?) to the Hook ~~ thence Bounding said Hill
North 61 1/2 West fourteen Chanes and Twenty Three Links thence South
Twenty degrees with Twenty five Chanes thence South saventy four & 1/2
East ~~ forty two Chanes & Thirty Links to the furst mentioned ~~ thence
Subposed to Contain Eaghty four acres and 67 Squar Rods of land be the
same more or less With all the Improvements there unto Belonging with
Two Pieces and Parcels of Madow lands to said Farm by the Commishioner
appointed By said Court wich madow lyes within the Fish---- Land Bank
Company with a part of the Wood Land fixt to said farm by the
Commishioner as afoursaid lying in what is called the [Woburippit] to
Contain Twelve acres to be [ ] in of the South West End of said lot
and I further give unto my Sun Thomas one equal half part of parcel of
Cedar Swamp in the County of Cumberland within the naborhood of Port
Elizabeth subposed to be Eaght Acres more or less wich said Swamp was
lade of to me by said Commishioner as a part of the Rale Estate of Thos
Sinnickson Esqr Desesed. I further give to my sun Thomas one half of my
Fishing place on Salem Crick above Koxes Bridge with the one half of the
land belongin to the
Same that I purchest of William Hutson & wife lying in the Township of
Upper Penns Neck and County of Salem All of wich Saveral Tracts and
Parcels of Land I give unto my said sun Thomas Sinnickson his Hairs and
asines forEver In fee simpol.
I give and beQueth unto my sun John Sinnickson all that Farm whare on he
now Lives known by the name of the homested Farm with all and singular
the Buildings and Improvements thare unto belonging to Him his Hairs and
Asines for Ever in fee simpol. I further give to my said Sun John
Sinnickson a part and Parcel of that Farm that was lade of to me by the
Commishioners appointed to [provided] the Rale Estate of Thomas
Sinnickson Desesed lying and bounding as follows Begining at the S W
Corner of the Homested Farm and Bounding thare on North Ten degrees East
fourteen Chanes & Forty two links thence North fifty five & 3/4 East
four Chanes & fifty five links thence South Eaghty Six & 1/2 East Eaght
Chanes and Eaghty links Thence North Six degrees East Saven Chane &
forty links thence North Saventy one degrees West Twenty Eaght Chains &
Saventy two links thence south neneteen & 1/2 West Twenty Chaines and
fifty Nine Links from thence to the place of Beginning Containing within
land Bounds Fifty Saven Acres of Land Be the Same more or less With the
Improvements thare unto belonging to him his hairs and assines for Ever
in fee simpol. I further give unto my Sun John Sinnickson the remainder
of the Woodland in the [Wolerippit] Subposed to contain [ ] Acres be
the same more or less to him his hairs and asines for Ever in fee
I further give unto my Sun John Sinnickson one half of my Shell Fishery
on Salem Crick above Koxes Bridg in Upper Penns Neck with one half of
the land belonging to the same to him his hairs and asines for Ever in
fee simple. I further give unto my Sun John Sinnickson the one Eaqual
half part of the Sedar Swamp in Cumberland County neer Port Elizabeth
Subposed to Contain Eaght Acres be the same more or less that is lade of
to me by the Commishioner on the -------- of the Rale Estate of Thomas
Sinnickson Desesed Wich Said one Equel half part of said Sedar Swamp I
give to him his hairs and asines in fee simpol for Ever.
Item I give and bequath unto my Daughter Mary Smith all that Farm in
Lower Penns Neck Bounding on the River Dillewar known by the name of the
Jaquatt Farm that I purchest of [Nathan Crips ?] & land bounding Daniel
Garrison - John Jaquatt and others Subposed to Contain one hundred and
Ten acres be the same more or less with all the buildings and
Improvements thare unto belonging to hur hur hairs and asines forever in
Fee simpil. I further give and Bequeth unto my Daughter Mary my Store
House and Thirty Feet of ground on wich the Shop Stands on
to [--- ] and to the Lot that John Smith purchest of me and to [make]
Thirty feet on the Back End with all the Buildings and IMprovements
thare unto Belonging to hur hur Hairs and Asines for Ever in fee
Simpol. I further give unto my Daughter mary Twelve Acres of Madow in
Tilbury that I got
of my sun John Sinnickson in a swop for Madow in Penns Neck above the
Mudhole [House] wich Lot of Madow I give to my daughter Mary Smith hur
hairs and asines for Ever In fee simple. I further give and Bequeth
unto my Daughter Mary Smith the one Equol half part of the Lot ~~
Joining Jesse Bonds and the Friends Lot to extend from Jesse Bonds lot
to the new street leading to the new Bridg wich said Lot of ground I
give to my Daughter Mary Smith to hur hur Hairs and Asines for Ever in
fee Simpel.~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Item I give and bequeth unto my daughter Ann Blackwood all that
Plantation in lower Penns Neck Joining lands of Mathias Lambson Sinnick
sinnickson and the Land that my said daughter got by hur grandfather
Joseph Copner and to Extend to Salem Crick with the Buildings and
Improvements thare unto Belongin with said Plantation. I give unto my
daughter Ann Blackwood to hur hur hairs and Asines In fee simpol for
Ever. I further give and Bequeth the one other half part of the Lot
whare of I have give my Daughter Mary apart to Joine on Thomas Rone
Jesse Bond Mary Smith and the street leading to the new bridge wich said
Lot of ground I give unto my Daughter Ann Blackwood to hur hur hairs and
asines for Ever in Fee simple ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Item I give and bequeth unto my Daughter Rebecca Sinnickson all that
Farm that John [----------]
lives on in Lower Penns Neck Joining the hairs of Andrew Mecum and the
land I have given to my Sun Thomas Sinnickson the hairs of Jacob Ware
and others with all and Singular the Buildings and Improvements thare
unto belonging to hur hur Hairs and Asines for Ever in Fee simple. ~ ~ ~
I further give and bequth unto my Daughter Rebecca Sinnickson one other
Tract and parcel of Land Joining the befoure mentioned land and begining
at corner of vining Hills Land and Bounding on Said Hills Land and
running North Saventy Tree degrees West fourteen Chanes & 92 links
thence North forty five degrees West three Chanes & 40 links thence
South thirty two & 1/2 West Sixteen Chane & 75 links thence south Eaght
& 1/2 degrees West five Chanes & 12 links thence south Sixty nine & 3/4
East Twenty five Chane thence North three degrees East four Chane & t0
Thence North Saventy four & 1/2 Degrees West Saven Chanes & 20 links to
the corner stone of Thomas Sinnickson land thence bounding on Thomas
Sinnickson land Saventeen Chanes and 50 links to the place of Beginning
Containing with in said bounds forty acraes and 3/4 of land be the same
more or less all wich said lands I give unto my said daughter Rebecca
Sinnickson hur hairs and asines for Ever in fee simpol. I further give
unto my said daughter Rebecca Sinnickson the house and lot that my sun
thomas Sinnickson lives in with all the Improvements thare on to hur hur
hairs and asines forever in fee simple. I further give and bequeth unto
my Daughter Rebecca Sinnickson the one half of the Wood lot I purchest
of John Redstrick over Quintons Bridg Bounding on the said Redstrick
land and lands of John Smith & StevenReeves to hur hur hairs and assines
fr Ever in fee simple ~ ~ ~
Item I give and bequeth unto my Daughter Sarah Sinnickson all that
Plantation that John Holliday lives on lying and being in Lower Penns
Neck Joining Lands that I gave to my Sun John and of my Daughter Ann and
others subposed to contain Eaghty five acres be the same more or less
with the Buildings and Improvements thare on all of wich Plantation I
give unto my daughter Sarah Sinnickson to hur hur hairs and assines in
fee simpol for Ever. I further give unto my Daughter Sarah Sinnickson
the Dwelling House I now live in with the remainer of the Lot thare on
that I have not Convade to my Daughter Mary with the Barrn and other
Improvements thare on all of wich said House and Lot of ground I give
unto my daughter Sarah Sinnickson hur hairs and asines for Ever In fee
simple wich said House and lot is to continue in the youse and
[ ] of her Mother as long as she lives with out rants. I
further give unto my daughter Sarah Sinnickson the other half of my Wood
Lot over Quntins Brig that I purchest of John Restrick to hur hur Hairs
and Asines for Ever in fee simple. I further give unto my Daughter
Sarah Sinnickson four and one half Acres of land on the Hook that was
lade of to me by the Commishioner on the divishion of Rale Estate of
Thomas Sinnickson desesed be the same more or less all of wich said Wood
Lot I give to my Daughter Sarah Sinnickson hur hairs and asines in fee
simpel for Ever.
Item I give and Bequeth unto my Grand Sun John Sinnickson Alevan Acares
of Land that I have attached to his Farm and is now inclosed in the same
which said Lot of Land is bounding on the land of John Sinnickson
Desesed which said lot of land I give unto my said GrandSun to him his
hairs and Asines in fee simple Forever. I further give to my sun John
sinnickson, Five hundred Dollers to be paid unto him in one year after
my desees By my Executors here after named ~ ~ ~
Item I give and bequeth unto my GrandSun Thomas Sinnickson Five hundred
dollors in one year after my desees to be paid to him By the hands of my
Executors ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Item I give unto my GrandSun robbert Sinnickson Five Hundred dollors to
be paid to him by my Executors. If in case that he is arrived to the
age of Twenty one years and not untill he shall arrive to the age of
Twenty one years ~ ~ ~ ~
Item I give unto my Grand Sun Andrew Sinnickson Five hundred dollors to
be paid to him when he shall have arived to the age of Twenty one years
and my will is that my Executors do put out my Grandsun Andrews Money to
Interest untill he shall arrive to the Eage of Twenty one years and then
to be paid to him by the hand of my Executors.
Item I give unto my GrandDaughter Mariah Sinnickson Five hundred Dollors
in one year from my Desees to be paid to hur by my Executor.
Item I give unto my granddaughter Cathren Sinnickson the youngest
daughter of my [ ] Sun Andrew Sinnickson Five hundred dollors
to be paid unto hur when she shall have arived to the age of Eaghteen
years and my will is that my Executors put hur money to Interest for hur
youse that is In case It is cumming to hur before she arives to the Age of
Eaghteen years.
All of the Befour mentioned lagesees I order to be made up out of the
Sale of the Farm in Upper Crick known by the name of the Gamble Farm
lade of to me by the Commishioner appointed on the division of the Real
Estate of Thomas Sinnickson Esq decd my will further is that if in case
any of my four grand children shall dye before thay shall arrive to cum
of age than the shear of the one so dying shall be divided between the
surviving ones shear and shear alike and my will further is that if my
two suns thomas and John do chouse to take the befour mentioned Farm in
Upper Alliway Crick at the sum of Four thousand Dollers any pay of the
before mentioned laggeses they may not make sale of it but hold it
between them as Joint Tennents and my will is that what money may be
laft in the hands of my Executors after my funex Expenses Just debts and
Lageses is paid I order the residue to be paid tomy four Daughters Mary
Ann Rebecca and Sarah Sinnickson shear and shear alike. I further order
my Executors to fix a tume stone on my grave and I do hereby apoint and
constitute my Two Suns Thomas and John Sinnickson to this my Last Will
and Testament revoking all other wills by me made and do acknowledge
this to be my Last Will and Testament. Sealed with my Seal and Hand
this twenty fourth day of November one thousand Eaght hundred and
Saventeen in the presence of the persons whose names is hereunto fixed.
Thomas Jones /s/ Andw Sinnickson
Jedidiah Allen
Henry Freas
The Inventory of the Andrew Sinnickson, Esq. Estate

Copyright© by Antoinette, October 18, 1999