The Langenecker Bible

Family-Registry, Births
Jacob Langenecker, a son of Peter
and Marie Langenecker, a native of
Vehm(?), is born on the 3rd of Sept., 1806. -
Salme Langenecker, a daughter of
Michal Kederff (?) and his house-
wife, Susanna, a native of Fritzs(?)
is born on the 27th of Febrary 1817. -
Susanna Langenencker, a daughter
of Jacob and Salme Langenencker
is born on the 1st of January 1836, R(?)apho
Twp, Lancaster Co., Pa.-
Lianna Langenencker, a daughter of
Jacob and Salme Langenecker is
born on the 14th of September 1837 in
Warwich Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. -
Henry Langenecker, a son of Jaocb
and Salme Langenecker is born
on the 2nd of Decmeber 1819 in Warwick
Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa.-
Addison Langenecker, a son of
Jacob and Salme Langenecker is
born on the 27th of December 1841 in
Warwich Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. -
Mary Ann Langenecker, a daughter of
Jacob and Salme Langenecker is
born on the 15th of January 1841 in
Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. -
Allen Langenecker, a son of Jacob
and Salme Langenecker is born
on the 28th of September 1846 in Ephata
Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa. -
Sarene Langenecker, a daughter of
jacob and Salme Langenecker is
born on the 19th of August 1846 in Ephata
Twp., Lancaaster Co., Pa. -
Emma Langenecker, a daughter of Jacob
and Salme Langenecker is born
on the 8th of June 1855 in Ephata Twp.,
Lancaster Co., Pa.


Copyright© by Antoinette, August 01, 1999