Township of Lower Penns Neck
County of Salem
State of New Jersey
June 14, 1809
Last Will & Testament of JOSEPH COPNER
I Joseph Copner of the Township of Lower Penns Neck in the County of
Salem, State of New Jersey, being in a declining state of Health, but
favoured with a sound Disposing mind and Memory make this my last Will
and Testament in manner following.
My Will is, and I, hereby authourize, and enjoin, on my Executors
herein, after, named, to Rent out all my Plantations, and tracts of
Land, and Meadow, for, and during the Term of five Years from the date
hereof, except, that, part [ ] after reserved for the use, and,
Benefit of my wife Jane Copner, and the Rents, arising therefrom to be
by them, applyed, with my Personal Estate, to the payment of my Just
debts and funeral Expences.
My will is that my wife Jane Copner, occupy and enjoy during her Natural
life, the plantation with the improvements thereon, situate at the turn
of the road, which I purchased of Allman, and my Will is and I do hereby
give, and bequeath, the said described property to my Granddaughter, Ann
Sinnickson, to her, her Heirs and assigns reserving, the use thereof as
before mentioned.
I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Copner, my Home plantation
including all the Lotts purchased, thereto, and my will is that if he
shall die, without Issue, that then at his Decease, the said plantation
with all the improvements thereon, shall be equally divided into two
equal parts in Quantity, and Quality the one half part thereof I give
and bequeath unto Samuel Allen, and William Mills in Trust, that they,
or the survivor of them, do convey and assure the said equal half, part
unto such persons as shall be appointed and named, by the Monthly
Meeting of Friends, held in Salem, to receive the same, for the use, and
benefit of the said meeting to be applyed, to the Maintainance of such
of the members of said meeting as may need assistance, and to such other
usefull and necessary purposes, as the members of said Meeting shall
from time to time deem usefull and expedient.
I give unto my Grandson Sinnick Sinnickson, all that Plantation and
Tract of land, that was [ ] and fifty acres of Meadow on the North
side of cobs {?coles} Island, and the lot of wild marsh I purchased of on the
opposite side of coles {?cobs} Island the creek in Mannington to him his
Heirs and Assigns.
I give unto my Grand Daughter Jane Sinnickson all that lot of Land with
the Houses, and Improvements thereon, situate in the Town of Camden, for
and during her natural life, and then, to her lawfull Issue, Heirs,
their heirs, and assigns.
I Give unto my two sisters Rebecca Bain and Esther Gillmore, all the
Rents and profits of that plantation or Lotts of Land, I bought of
Andrew Vanamin, for, and during their natural lives and at their
Decease, my will is that the same, be equally divided, between my son
Samuel, and my Grandson Sinnickson, share and share alike to them their
heirs, and assigns.
I give unto my Nephew Samuel Gilmore, that five acre lot of woodland at
the Hook, and the five acre lot situate on the main road with the House,
and Blacksmith shop, and improvements thereon to him his Heirs and
My will is, and I do hereby direct and order that all the remainder of
the rents, profits and residue of my Estate, after the payment of my
Just debts, be equally divided between my wife Jane, my son Samuel and
my two grandchildren Sinnick and Jane Sinnickson, share and share
alike. My will is and I hereby direct that my friends John Wister {?}
and John Redman have the Care and Direction of my grand Children,
Sinnick Sinnickson and Jane Sinnickson and of the parts bequeathed to
them, and that my son in law Andrew Sinnickson, take the care and charge
of the part bequeathed to my grand Daughter Ann Sinnickson And lastly, I
do hereby Constitute and appoint my son, Samuel Copner, and my Nephew
Samuel Gilmore Executors of this my last will, and Testament,
authourizing and enjoining to them to fullfil the same In testimony
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of the
sixth month June in year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
nine. 1809.
Signed sealed pronounced and Declared
by the said Joseph Copner, as his last /s/ Joseph Copner (seal)
Will and Testament in the presence of us
the Subscribers, who have as witnesses thereto
set our hands, in the presence of the Testator.
[R]achel Redman Junr
Clement Acton
Benjamin Griscom
Joseph & Jane (nee ?) Copner's daughter Sarah married Andrew Sinnickson
born March 21, 1764, a son of Sinnick Sinnickson & wife Mary Philpot and
had 2 children, namely Sinnick and Jane. Andrew died circa 1791/1792
and Sarah remarried, and to yet another Andrew Sinnickson born February
19, 1748/1749 & died July 23, 1819 a son of Andrew Sinnickson & wife
Sarah Gilljohnson and they had a daughter Ann. These two Andrew's were
2nd half cousins per the Kinship Report of my Family Tree Maker program.

Copyright© by Antoinette, October 18, 1999