Thomas Scott
Esther Little
Town of Washington
State of Pennsylvania
November 21, 1791
To all of whom these presents shall come I Thomas Scott Esquire of the
Town of Washington and State of Pennsylvania Send Greeting whereas the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by patent bearing date the twenty fourth
day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred & Eighty
Eight did Grant to me in fee simple all that tract of land called
Scotland situate lying and being on the East side of Monangahela River
in Fayette County in Luzerne and German Townships adjoining lands of
Absalom Little Robert Smith and Others Beginning at a Corner Blak oak of
Absalom Littles lands, thence by the same South fifty seven degrees and
one quarter east Sixty Eight perches to a Locust South Sixty two degrees
east sixty six perches and eight tenths to a white oak stump south
twenty six degrees east One hundred and fifty perches to a large sugar
tree and south sixty degrees east fifty seven perches and four tenths to
stones, thence by land of Robert Smith South twelve degrees and one half
west twenty one perches and eight tenths to a Black oak thence by Vacant
lands south forty one degrees and one half east one hundred and twenty
four perches and eight tenths to
an ash tree or post thence by lands of John Swift South sixty four
degrees west One hundred and seventy six perches to a Birch tree thence
by lands of Thomas Stokeley or vacant lands north seventy six degrees
west eighteen perches and two tenths to a post and north twenty two
degrees west one hundred and twenty two perches to a post thence by
lands of Thomas Davis north thirty four degrees and quarter East sixty
eight perches to stones where there was formerly a Dogwood thence north
thirty five degrees and One half west one hundred and seventy perches to
a white oak north seventy eight degrees west forty six perches & four
tenths to a dead white oak north seventy four degrees and a quarter west
forty perches and two tenths to a birch north twelve degrees and one
half east seventy two perches and four tenths to a stone or a Black oak
bush and south sixty four degrees east forty five perches and One half
to the place of Beginning Containing three hundred & seven acres and one
half and Allowance of six per centum for Roads &c. with the
Appurtenances as by the said in part Recited patent remaining of Record
in the Rolls office in Philadelphia in Patent Book No. B page 233
reference being thereto had may more fully and at large appear. Now
Know Ye that I the said Thomas for [divers] good causes and
Considerations me thereto specially moving and for and in consideration
of the sum of five shillings lawful money of Pennsylvania to me in hand
paid by Esther Little of Fayette County the receipt whereof I do hereby
acknowledge and myself therewith fully satisfied have and by these
presents do grant bargain sell alien release and confirm to the said
Esther all that the above described tract of land with the appurtenances
to have and to hold to her the said Esther for and during the term of
her natural life with all the profits and emoluments thereto belonging
or in any wise appertaining and after the decease of the said Esther One
half or entire moiety of the said tract of land with the Appurtenances
to Remain to Fanny Little (natural daughter of the said Esther) and the
heirs of her body begotten the other half or entire moiety thereof to
Abraham Little (natural son of the said Esther) and the heirs of his
body begotten to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the said
Fanny and Abraham and the heirs of their bodies respectively begotten as
above granted in equal moieties as aforesaid Provided always that if
either the said Fanny or Abraham should in the lifetime or after the
decease of the said Esther die without issue then the entire moiety or
half part hereby granted to the child so dying shall be and remain to
the survivor and the heirs of the survivors body And if either the said
Fanny or Abraham should die in the lifetime of the said Esther leaving
lawful Issue Such Issue to Inherit after the decease of the said Esther
as fully and effectually as by this deed they might or could have done
Had the said Fanny and Abraham survived their said mother the Estate
hereby granted and conveyed subject nevertheless to revert to my own
Right heirs forever. If both the said Fanny and Abraham should die
without Issue And I do hereby for myself my heirs Executors and
administrators Covenant to and with the said Esther and also with the
said Fanny and Abraham and the heirs of their bodies respectively
begotten that they and each of them respectively shall quietly and
peaceably take, have, hold and enjoy the Estate to them hereby granted
against me my heirs and all claiming by through or under me. In
testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this twenty first
day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety one.
/s/ Tho Scott (seal)
Sealed & Delivered }
in presence of }
James Ross }
Rec'd 21st November 1791 from Esther Little the above mentioned sum of
five shilings in full for the consideration in that respect set forth in
the above Grant.
/s/ Tho Scott.
Washington County ss
Be it Remembered that before me Alexander Addison Esquire President of
the Court of Common pleas in and for the County of Fayette came Thoms
Scott Esquire the Grantor in the foregoing deed poll and acknowledged
the same to be his Act and deed for the purpose therein Contained. In
testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed by Seal at
Washington this twenty first day of November in the year of Our Lord One
thousand Seven hundred and ninety One.
/s/ Alexander Addison.
Esther Little/Littell (nee Pettyjohn), wife of Absalom Littell, are my
6th great grandparents.

Copyright© by Antoinette August 29, 1999