           Of all of life's achievements,
            our children are our greatest.
             AND HERE ARE MINE -
Just to keep things evened out, now the girls will have their turn.
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My first daughter is Lisa Gaye Jimenez who helped keep her brother in line
brother "Rick" |  |
 | And next came our Mitchell, Who brought us up to three. |
So, we thought we would add another, Stephanie Esperanza Jimenez, and make it an even four. |       |
Two girls and two boys What more could one ask for?
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That's when we added Sabrina Antoinette Jimenez a delight for all of us to see. |  |
But five isn't an even number, so we thought we would have just one more, and that's when we added Steven, and then we said NO MORE!

Now you've met my children who have all grown up on me. I think they are the greatest and you had better agree with me!
I hope you've enjoyed my family pictures. But wait, there's more to see.
Just click on my Back button below to go to my Family Album Index Page
and you will find the whole list there.

                Copyright© by Antoinette, February 21, 2000