Bourbon County
May 29, 1800
Prob. C 122
Inv 91
Sales 92
Lett. E142
In the name of God amen, I Harmonius Alkire senior of the county of
Bourbon, and state of Kentucky being sick and weak in body, but of sound
mind, and disposing memory for which I thank God, and calling to mind
the uncertainty of human life, and being desirous to dispose of all such
wordly Estate; - as it hath pleased God to bless me with I do make
appoint and rattify this to be my last will and Testament and do hereby
disannul and make void all other wills Testaments or Testamoneys
heartofore, and this is to be my last will it is my desire that the hole
of my Estate both real and personal after my deth should be sold of and
Devided as I shall direct hereafter, and that is to say the money
arising from the sale of my lands, and all
next page -
the money that I have due me in this state and in Virginia - when
collected - shall be equally divided between my six sons, that is to say
William Alkire, John Alkire, Adam Alkire, Michael Alkire, Monis Alkire,
George Alkire - after taking out thirty pounds apeace for my six
Daughters of the above money that is to say, Catty, Elizabeth,
Deboraugh, Margaret, Sally and Liddy - and then all the rest of my
Estate - that is to say, all the moveable property, Except one mare and
sucking colt called, nance mare, and them I bequeath and give to my
Daughter Margret Alkire Extronary - more then the rest of my Daughters,
and then the money arising from the sale of the moveable property, to be
equally divided between my six sons, and six Daughters after all my just
Debts is paid, I ratify and bequeath to all my children, as the above
stands for to be them to dispose of as they see cause, forever and for
the well management of all my affairs and due performances of this my
last will and testament I do hereby ordain and constitute and appoint
William Alkire and William Clarkeson to be my whole and sole Executors
in Law to have this my last will and testament, well and punctually
Executed. In witness of this my last will and Testamony. I have
hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of May one thousand
eight hundred.
Sighn sealed and publised
and delivered in the presents of
John Wallace Harmonius
\/\ Alkire L S
Jesse Fitzgerald
Edward Campbell
Bourbon County
July Court 1800
This last will and testament of Harmonious Alkire deceased was
produced in Court proved by the Oath of Jedediah Pullen and Jesse
Fitzgerald witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded; and on the
motion of William Alkire and William Clarkeson the Executors therein
named who made oath thereto and together with Samuel Cutright, James
Dennison, Julius Clarkson and John Artman their securities entered into
and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of five thousand pounds
conditioned agreeably to law, certificate is granted them for obtaining
a probate thereof in due form.~~~~~~
Tho. Arnold CBC
Harmonius (aka Harmonas, Maunis, Monis, Armonies) Alkire II & his wife
Lydia (nee Patton) were my 5th great grandparents. Antoinette
Copyright© by Antoinette, November 15, 1998