Book 4 page 144
County of Hardy
This Indenture made this 2nd day of October in the year of our Lord one
Thousand Seven Hundred and ninety five Harmonaus Alkire of the County of
Hardy of the one part and Abel Seymour of the same place of the other
part. WITNESSETH; That for and in consideration of the sum of fifty
pounds paid the receipt whereof is hereby granted acknowledged he the
said Harmonaus Alkire hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened and
confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, and
confirm unto the said Abel Seymour his heirs and assigns a certain tract
or parcel of land situate lying and being on the South fork of the South
Branch in the said County being a part of A Survey Granted Alkire by
deed bearing date the twelfth day of December one thousand seven hundred
and eighty eight as they appearand same tract that said Alkire granted
Daniel Tevabaugh one hundred and eight three acres of the upper end of
by deed bearing date the seventh day of December one thousand seven
Hundred and eighty nine as may appear~~ and the part now conveyed to
Abel Seymour being the balance of the said original Survey containing
four hundred acres more or less and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at a White Oak corner to Jacob Reed thence along his line
North three hundred and eighty poles to two Spanish Oak and a dogwood
corner to said Reed and Colo. Merceer thence along his line East one
Hundred and eighty poles to two Chestnut Oaks and three pines on a hill
thence South two Hundred twenty poles to three pines and three red oaks
the same course co situated one hundred poles farther corner at two
white oaks a pine oak and locust on a line thence South twenty degrees
West one Hundred and ninety one poles to the Beginning Together with all
Houses, Buildings, Orchards, Ways, Waters, Water courses, profits,
Commodities, Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said
tract or parcel of Land belonging
any wise appertaining unto him the said Abel Seymour as well as in
equity as in law to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land
hereby conveyed with the appurtenances and all and singular the premises
hereby intended to be conveyed to the said Abel Seymour his heirs and
assigns to the only proper use and behoof of -------------- the said
Abel Seymour and of his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Manis
Alkire for himself his heirs executors & administrators doth covenant
promise and grant to and with the said Abel Seymour his Heirs and
assigns, that he the said Abel Seymour his heirs and assigns shall and
may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and
quietly have hold Occupy possess and enjoy the said premises with the
appurtenances without the les trouble hindrance molestation or
interruption of the said Alkire his Heirs executors Administrators or
any other person or persons whatsoever And Lastly that he the said Manis
Alkire and his Heirs all and singular the said premises with the
appurtenances to him the said Abel Seymour his Heirs and assigns against
the said Harmonis Alkire and his heirs and all and every other person
and persons whatsoever shall warrant and forever defend the same by
these presents. In Witness whereof the said Manis Alkire hat hereunto
set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.
Harmonis II Alkire (seal)
Sealed and Delivered
In presence of
Thomas Bullett
Jesse Fitzgerald
At a court held for Hardy County the 14th day of October 1795.
This deed from Harmonis Alkire to Abel Seymour was proved by the oath of
Thomas Bullett and Jesse Fitzgerald the witnesses thereto and at a court
held for the said County the 12th day of October 1796 the said deed was
acknowledged by the said Harmonias Alkire and is Ordered to be recorded.
Examd. Test
/s/ Ed Williams C
Copyright© by Antoinette May 18, 1999