Indenture Bond of William S. Walker
The following is an Indenture that gives the names of the four children
of William Walker & Jane Burton Walker, since in his will only William
S Walker was identified by name as child of his marriage with Jane.
This Indenture made this 1st day of August 1826
Between William Walker One of the heirs of
William Walker decd. of Washington County Indiana
of the one part and Sarah McCormack widow, and
Martha Jane, Rebecca, and James Thomas McCorm
ack heirs of Alexander McCormack decd. of Shelby
County of the other part Witnesseth that
Alexander McCormack in his lifetime did
purchase of the above named William Walker
the said William Walkers undivided interest in
a tract of land in Shelby County af d. on the waters
of Fox Run Containing 23 acres and eighty poles and
is bound in as mentioned in a deed from Joshua
Carman and wife to Ann, Sarah, William
and Thomas Walker heirs of Jane Walker dated
the 17th day of December 1821 and now of record in
the Office of the County Court of Shelby the said
William Walkers Interest in said land being One
Undivided fourth part thereof and for which the
said Alexander McCormack paid the sum of
fifty dollars in Commonwealths bank paper but
departed this life without receiving a deed therefor
In Consideration of which sum the said William
Walker at the request of George Johnston the
Admin of sd. Alexander McCormack decd. hath
Granted, bargained sold and by these presents
doth Convey unto the said Sarah McCormack
Martha Jane, Rebecca, and James Thomas McCormack
Widow and heirs of Alexander McCormack decd. all
his right title and undivided Interest in said land
To Have and to hold the said undivided fourth
part of said tract of land to the said Widow
and heirs forever and the said William Walker
covenants that he will warrant the title thereof
to the said Widow and heirs af d. against the claim
of all persons claiming by from through or under
him or under Joshua Carman but against no
other person or claim In Testamony Whereof the
said William Walker hath hereto set his hand &
Seal the day and year first above written.
William S Walker seal
Shelby Couty Court Office
This deed was acknowledged before me
in my office on the 1st day of August 1826 by
William S. Walker to the Jur Act and deed and
thereupon the Same Was truly Recorded
Att Ia S. Whitaker, clk
Shelby County Court

Copyright© by Antoinette September 8, 1998