County of Jefferson
State of Tennessee
January 26, 1814
In the name of God Amen, I Jacob Denton of the State and County
aforesaid being weak in body but of perfect mind and memmory
blessed be God for the same do make and ordain this my last will
and testament this 26 January in the year of our Lord One thousand
and eight hundred and fourteen and the thirty seventh of American
independance - that is to say my body to be buried in a Christian
desent manner and my soul to God That giv it to me
nothing doubting but I shall receive the Same at the grate day
of accounts by the mighty power of god as touching my worldy conserns
first I will unto my beloved wife Mary Denton my plantation and all my
other property during hur life time or Widowhood after my lawful
debts are paid, and at her death or marriage the land and all my property
whatever to be sold Save the Negro Woman [Jubal] it is my will She be
set free and the negro Children to be sold in the family. I will to my
son Robert Denton Six Dollars also I will to my Daughter Catharine
One hundred and ten Dollars also I will to my Daughter Jane Forty three
dollars and one third of a Dollar I also will to my Daughter Mary Six
Dollars I also will to my Daughter Mary's Children One hundred & ten
Dollars to be equally divided amonst them I also will to my
Son Joseph Denton's first wifes Children namely Polly and James One
hundred and ten Dollars I also will to my Son Joseph Six Dollars I als
will to my son Joseph Denton my big house bible, then what remains of
my Estate I wish to be equally divided betwixt Joseph Denton's Children
by his first wife and my son Jacob and my daughter Margaret and my
Daughter Catharine and my Daughter Jane and my Daughter Mary's
Children and it to be equally divided amongs them when they
cume of age. I leave and apint my beloved friend my
Wife Mary Denton and my son Jacob Denton and Martin Gentry to
execute this my last will and testament and hereby revoke all
my former wills - In witness whareof I hereunto set my hand
and seal the day and date above written.
/s/ Jacob Denton (seal)
NOTE: Jacob & Mary (nee Claypool) Denton are my 5th great
grandparents and Mary Claypool Denton is my 5th great grand-aunt
AND my first cousin 8 times removed. Antoinette
Copyright© by Antoinette, November 15, 1998