John Dunbar II
Greenbrier County
June 27, 1794
In the Name of God Amen, I, John Dunbar, being thru the mercy
of God tho weak in body yet of perfect understanding and memory
do constitute this my last Will and Testament and desire it to be
received by all as Such. Imprimis, I most Humbly Bequeath my
Soul to God my maker beseeching his most Gracious Acceptance
of it thru the All Sufficient Merits & most Compassionate Redeemer
Jesus Christ Who gave himself to be an Atonement for my Sins and
is able to save Unto the utmost all that come Unto God by him
Seeing he everliveth to make Intercession for them and who I trust
will not Reject me a poor Sinner who came to him for mercy humbly
beseeching the most Glorious God to prepare me for my time of
Dissolution and then to take me to that peace and rest which he has
prepared for those that Love and Fear him. Amen. Imprimis I give
my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken. In full Assurance of
its Resurrection at the Last day as for my Worldy estate I will and
positively order that all my debts be paid. Then I give unto my dear
and loving wife full possession of the Plantation on which I live,
likewise the Household furniture. She and my son Reubin whome
I Ordain my Executors I leave it in their option to Sell it if they
think fit And to make an Equal Divide between them both and She
to do as she pleases with her part. I give unto my Son John one cow.
I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth Whitman one horse coalt with a
Blaze in his face. I give unto my Son Samuel all my Wearing
Apperrell that is made and is to make up likewise Black Heifer two
years old. I give unto my Daughter Ann Claypool a four year old
Philly. I give unto my Daughter Sarah Warren one cow. I give
unto my Daughter Margaret one cow. As for the Remainder of my
Stock I leave it to my Wife and Reubin to do as they see cause and
do Constitute them my Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this
17th of April 1794.
Teste his
John Walker John x Dunbar (Seal)
Henry Mossier mark
Peter Cline
At a Court Held for Greenbrier County June 24, 1794
This last Will and Testament of John Dunbar Dec'd was
presented in Court by Sarah Dunbar and Reubin Dunbar
the Executors therein named and the same was proven
by the Oaths of Henry Mossier & John Walker Two of
the Witnesses thereto who also depose that they Saw
Peter Cline the Other Witness Sign the Same which is
Ordered to be Recorded and the sd Executors took upon
them the Execution thereof & was duly Qualified According
to Law & [      ] unto Bond to the Court for the
performance in the sum of L500 [--- ]
John Stuart Clyde
Note: I am a 5th great grandniece of John Dunbar II & his wife Sarah
(nee Chilton).
His parents John Dunbar I & Mary (nee Anderson) are my 6th great
His sister Margaret who married James Claypoole are my 5th great
Copyright© by Antoinette May 18, 1999