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County of Washington
State of Maryland
13 September 1810
Last Will & Testament

This my last will and testament in the name of God...
First of all, I bequest to my children all shear and shear alike
and alike of all my estate sales and possessions to be divided
amonth them all peasable.
And I give to my wife the thirds of all my estate and she is to have
her seat on the land or to take chise of any of the ________ during
her lifetime and she is to have all the grain in the barn and the corn
in the grown and that is to be sode ____ this faul and she is to have
the perl colt and she is to have her chise to take two cous and she is
to have her chise to take two sheap and to have her sadel and she is
to have her chise of the stoves to take one and hickhere fornature to
have as much as she wants and she is to have her chist and one of the
tabels and she is to have fore hogs and to take chise and she is to
have two chears and she is to have her spinning wheel.
And SUSANY and MARY is to have thare lard each of them and each
of them is to have there cow and tha are to have thare spinningweals.
And the remaner part of the personable estate is to be sold and the land
is to be sold ten years after the date hearof and the land is to be sold by
the excuton and by the best advantage tha can and tha may selet won
tha think pay and this are not to be first to sell by some of the are.
And lastly, I put my wife ELISBETH and Jacob KERSHNER for as
Exucters of all my estate this thirteenth day of September in the year
of Our Lord One Thousand eate hundird and ten as witness my hand
and seal. John WATCHTEL (by mark)
Matthis STINE (in German)
Jonathan JONES,
and Andrew F_____ (not legible) (in German)
Washington County to wit - On the 22nd day of September 1810, came
Elizabeth WACHTEL and Jacob KERSHNER and made oath that this
is the true and whole will of John WACHTEL, late of said county,
deceased, that hath come to thier hand and possession and that they do
not know of any other. At the same time came Jonathan JONES and
Mathias STINE and made oath that they did see the Testator therein
names sign and seal this will that they heard him publish from once and
declare the same to be his last will and testament that at the time of his
so doing he made the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing
mind memory and understanding and that they subscribed their names to
this will in the presence and at the request of the Testator and they saw
the other subscribing witness do the same.
Certified by George E. Smith, esq

Copyright© by Antoinette May 19, 1999