I George Keith ------ of The County of Bourbon
& State of Kentucky being old week & very in-
firm & calling to mind that according to the
course of nature I cannot continue long in
this world & wishing so to dispose of my
worldly goo that after my decase their
may be no disputes about the same & now
being (altho week & low) of sound mind
& memory" do constitute and ordain this
my last Will and Testament & do dispose
of my worldly gods in the manner & form
following (To wit) 1st I give & bequeath
unto my son Richard all that Tract or
persal of land where on I now live be-
ing one hundred eight acres. Sd. I
give and bequeath unto my daugh-
ter Elizabeth Green a negro girl na-
med ann togeather with her increes
if any she has & the said Ann & is
to be considered as equal to eighty
pounds. Thd. I give and bequeath to
my son Garrett one negroe girl name
Jeane togeather with her increase if any
she has & the said Jeane is to be con-
sidered as equal to eighty pounds.
Forth I give and bequeath to my
daughter Mary Robinson one negroe girl
named Sarah togeather with her increase
if any she has & the said Sarah & is to be
considered as equal to eight pounds. Fifth
I give & bequeath unto my daughter Joan-
nah Kerico one negroe boy named Stephen
which said negroe Stephen is to be consid-
ered as equal to eighty pounds. Sixth I
give & bequeath unto my son Edward
one negroe boy named Len which said
negroe Len is to be considered as equal
to eighty pounds. Seventh I give & be-
queath to my son George one negroe boy
named Bob which said negroe Bob is to
be considred as equal to eighty pounds.
Eighth. I give & bequeath to my daughter
Monica Daugherty a negroe girl named
Jude together with her increase if any she
has & the said Jude & is to be considered
as equal to eighty pounds. Ninth. I give
& bequeath to the heirs and legal representatives
of my son James decd eighty pounds to be
paid in the following manner (to wit) twen-
ty pounds is to be paid by my hearin
after named exers and to be paid from
the proceeds of the sails of my estate and
sixty pounds by my son Richard to whom
I have left my plantation which I consid-
er o be more than his equal part of my
estate. Tenth. I give unto my two negroe
women (to wit) Jenney & Charity their lib-
erty to be under the controle of none but
the laws of the land & supported in
their decline of life by my exrs & Lastly
I do appoint my son Garret & Edward my exe-
cutors to carry this my Will into compleet ef-
fect & so to dispose of all my worldly
good not herin before mentioned that
an equal division thereof may be made
between Elisabeth Green Garret Keith
Mary Robinson Joannah Kerrico Ed-
ward keith, George Keith, Monica Daugh-
erty & one equal part to be divided be-
tween the heirs of James decd. In witness
whereof I have heareunto set my hand
and seal this 16th day of March 1806
Signed sealed &                                     George X Keith L.S.
acknowledged in                                               mark
presence of
R. Williams
John Hand
Jas. Brown
= = = = = = = =
Bourbon County April Court 1806
This last will and Testament of George
Keith deceased was produced in open Court
and proved according to law by the oaths
of Roger Williams, John Hand and James
Brown witnesses thereto and ordered to be
recorded And on the motion of Garret Keith
and Edward Keith executors named in
said will who made oath thereto and to-
gether with James Brown Jr and Joseph
Williams their securities entered into and
acknowledged their bond in the penal
of $500 ^ $3500 conditioned as the law directs
Certificate is granted them for obtaining
a probate thereof in due form.
                                                             Will Garrard, C.B.C.

George Keith is my 5th great grandfather on my father's side.
Copyright© by Antoinette, September 11, 1998