Book H - Pages 297, 298, 299
This Indenture made this fourth day of May One thousand eight
hundred and thirty four between William M. Green and Margaret
his wife, Adam Strous and Mary his wife, David Hedrick and Polly
his wife, Leonard Carns and Polly his wife, Devisees and George
Summy and Jerusha his wife and Michael Summy heirs of Catharine
Summy late Catharine Kerns and Jesse Lukenbill and Nancy his wife,
Joseph Lukenbill and Sally his wife and David Lukenbill heirs of
Susan Lukenbill late Susan Kerns deceased who were also devisees
of Leonard Kerns late of Washington County and State of Indiana
deceased of the first part and Solomon Kerns of the said County of
Washington of the other part - whereas the said Leonard Kerns
deceased by his last will and testament bearing date the 31st day of
December 1819 duly recorded in the Probate Court of said County
bequeathed to his wife Katharine Kerns all his estate both real and
personal during her natural life and after her death his executors
should dispose of the estate to the best advantage for the benefit of
his heirs and that all his children should have an equal share of his
estate - And whereas the said Testator at the time of his making the
said will and at the time of his death was legally seized and possessed
of the South West quarter of Section Township One South range four
East in the district of land's offered for sale at Jeffersonville which
constituted a part of his estate leaving as his children and heirs the
said Margaret who intermarried with the said Adam Strous, Polly, who
intermarried with the said David Hedrick and the said Leonard Kerns,
together with eight other children and heirs including the said
Catharine who intermarried with Peter Summy and the said Susan who
intermarried with George Lukenbill, the last of whom the said Catharine
and Susan have also departed this life leaving as the heirs of the said
Catharine the said George Summa and Michael Summa and as the
heirs of the said Susan the said Jesse, David and Joseph Lukenbill,
together with five other heirs of the said Catharine and four others of
the said Susan, making in all seven children and heirs each, of the
said Catharine and Susan according to the laws of this state inherit
jointly the portions of their said mothers Catharine and Susan
respectively --Therefore this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Green
and wife, the said Strous and wife, the said Hedrick and wife, the said
Kerns & wife for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five dollars
each -- and the said George Summy and wife the said Michael Summy,
the said Jesse Lukenbill & wife, the said Joseph Lukenbill and wife and
the said David Lukenbill for and in consideration of the sum of three
dollars and fifty seven cents each to them respectively in hand paid by
the said Solomon Kerns the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
do severally by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said
Solomon Kerns all their right title interest and claim in and to their
undivided portions respectively of the premises above described To
have and to hold the same together with the appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Solomon Kerns
his heirs and assignees forever in fee simple free from the claim or
claims of the party of the first part their heirs exectors and
adminstrators or any of them or of any other person or persons
claiming by through or under them or any of them respectively in
proportion to their several interests as aforesaid -- that the said
Green and wife, Strous & wife, Hedrick and wife, Carns & wife each
being one twelfth, and that of the others one seventh of one twelfth
part each -- In Witness whereof the said party of the first part
hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first above
written --
William |   his mark |   Green |        (seal) |             | George |   his mark |   Summy |        (seal) |
Margaret |   her mark |   Green |        (seal) |            | Jerusha |   her mark |   Summy |        (seal) |
Leonard |   his mark |   Kerns |        (seal) |            | David |   his mark |   Lukenbil |        (seal) |
Polly |   her mark |   Kerns |        (seal) |            | David |   his mark |   Headrick |        (seal) |
Jesse |   his mark |   Lukenbill |        (seal) |            | Polly |   her mark |   Headrick |        (seal) |
Nancy |   her mark |   Lukenbill |        (seal) |           | Joseph |   his mark |   Lukenbill |        (seal) |
Michael |   his mark |   Summy |        (seal) |            | Polly |   her mark |   Lukenbill |        (seal) |
Adam |   |   Strous |        (seal) |            |   |   |   |   |
Mary |   Strous |   |        (seal) |            |   |   |   |   |
State of Indiana }
Washington County } Personally came before me the undersigned
subscriber a justice of the peace in and for said County the within
named William Green, Margaret his wife, Leonard Kerns and Polly
his wife, Jessee Lukenbill and Nancy his wife, Michael Summy,
Adam Strous and Mary his wife, George Summy and Jerusha his wife,
David Lukenbill, Joseph Lukenbill and Sally his wife and acknowledged
the within Indenture of bargain and sale to be their voluntary act and
deed for the purpose therein mentioned - - And the said Margaret, Polly,
Nancy, Mary, Jerusha, Sally being examined by me according to law
doth relinquish all their writs and title of dower in and to the within
mentioned land - Given under my hand and seal this 28th day of
August 1834
/s/ Ninian Hamilton J.P.
State of Indiana }
Jackson County } Sct
Personally came before me one of the justices of said County the
within named David headrick and Polly his wife devisees and grantors who
acknowledge the within deed to be their voluntary act on their part for
the purposes therein contained the said Polly being examined separate
and apart from her said husband acknowledging that it is her voluntary
act and that she does it without any coercion from her husband
whatsoever -- Given under my hand and seal this 14th day of June 1834
/s/ Wm Williams J.P. (seal)
State of Indiana }
Jackson County } Sct
I William Crenshaw Clerk of the Jackson Circuit Court do certify that
William Williams Esq before whom the within appears to have been
acknowledged now is and was at the time of receiving said
acknowledgement an acting justice of the peace for said County duly
commissioned and qualified as such to whose acts full faith and credit
is due and ought to be given as well in courts of justice as [
] [ ] -- In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the seal of the said court at Brownstown the 14th day of June
/s/ Wm Crenshaw Clk
Copyright© by Antoinette, October 25, 1999