George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland
King Defender of the Faith & to Abraham Hite Michael Stump & Felix
Seymour of the County of Hampshire Gentlemen Whereas Maunis Alkier of
the County of Hampshire in the Colony of Virginia & Lydia his Wife by
their Deeds of Sales & Release bearing Date the Third & Fourth Days of
October 1765 for the consideration therein mentioned did Grant Bargain
Sell Alien Release & Confirm unto Michale Thorn of the same Place & to
his heirs & Assigns forever A certain Plantation Piece or Parcel of Land
lying & being on the South Fork of the South Branch of Potomack in the
said County containing Two Hundred & Three acres and whereas the said
Lydia Wife of the said Maunis is unable to travel to our Court at our
said County of Hampshire & in her proper Person to acknowledge the said
Deeds & to be privately examined apart from her said Husband whether she
voluntarily & without the Threats or Compulsion of her said Husband
hath executed the same as the Law in behalf doth provide & direct
Therefore Know ye that we do give Power & Authority to you the said
Abraham Hite Michael Stump & Felix Seymour or any Two of you to go to
the siad Lydia Wife of the said Maunis & her examined privately & apart
from her said Husband whether she hath or is willing to release &
relinquish her Right & Title of in & to the Land & Premises with the
Appurtenances therein mentioned & whether she doth the same of her own
free Will without any Force Threats or Compulsion of her said Husband &
whether she be willing that her and acknowledgement shall be recorded
with the said Deeds in Order to pass & convey the said Lands & Premises
to the said Michael Thorn his heirs & Assigns forever according to the
true Intent & Meaning of the said Deeds and what you shall do in the
Premises Certify under your Seals distinctly to our
Justices of our said County Court together with this Writ Witness
Gabriel Jones Clerk of our said Court at the Court House the xixiii Day
of October in the Sixth Year of our Reign.
/s/ Gabriel Jones
Hampshire Co. By Virtue of the commission hereunto annexed This Deed of
Release was acknowledged by the within named Lydia Wife of the said
Maunis she having been first examined privately & apart from her said
Husband & declaring she did the same freely & voluntarily without any
Force Threats or Compulsion of her said Husband & that she was willing
that her acknowledgement aforesaid together with this Deed would be
recorded in the County Court of Hampshire in Order to Relase & Convey to
the said Michael Thorn all her Estate & Right & Interest in & to the
Premises in the said Deed contained before us this 4th Day of April
Michael Stump
Felix Seymour
At a Court held for Hampshire County the 14th Day of April 1767
This Commission for taking the Acknowledgment & privy Examination of
Lydia Alkier Wife of Maunis Alkier to the Deeds therein mentioned & the
Certificates/ the Execution thereof were this Day returned and Ordered
to be recorded.
Test Gabriel Jones C Clk

Copyright© by Antoinette, October 25, 1999