Volume 5, N - P / 1805 - 1875
I, William Neeld being weak in body but of
sound mind and memory do make and publish
this my last will and testament in words following,
to wit: First, I give and bequeath to my beloved
wife Jemima the one [ one third ] part of the farm on
which I now live including the house during her -
widowhood. I also give unto her one horse, two cows,
two sheet at her choice also the two english hogs with
fifteen killing hogs half the grain growing or on
the farm beds and bedding loom and tackling together with
the whole ofmy house-hold and kitchen furniture to
be disposed of by her among my children at her pleas-
ure. I also give and bequeath unto my two -
youngest sons William and Warren Equally and in
Company the whole of my farm on which I now
live being 166 acres and 2/3 of an acre part of No.
sixty-seven - Clarks Grant reserving to my wife the
dowry above named and they they the said William
and Warren each and equally pay with Larken
Neeld one hundred and fifty dollars within two years
after they shall [ [ come of age -----
I also give unto my three sons Elias Neeld,
Green Neeld and Larken Neeld each fifity dollars
West of property at a [ ] [ ] [ ]
page 2
disinterested men. I further give unto Larken
a lot in as much a part of No. Nine on Upper
Spring Street. I also give unto my two Eldest
daughters [Sally] Redmond and Polly Littell each ten doll-
ars. I also give unto my two youngest daughters
Elizabeth and Jane each a horse, saddle, and bridle
worth sixty dollars in specie and to each a cow
worth ten dollars. I also give unto my four -
sons Elias, Larken, William, and Warren equally
the other half of my grain growing on the
farm. I also give unto my son William my
rifhle (rifle) gun. I further give [ ] herewith -
in a [ ] [ ] youngest [ ] Warren
after the above bequest [ ] out the
whole of the reisdue of my property, real and
personal hog cattle sheep and horses farming
utentials (utensils) Wagon and harness with all kinds of tools
[ ] . I further appoint my sons Elias
William administrators of this my last will
and testament hereby revoking all former
wills by me made.
In [ ] [ ] I have
hereunto set my hand affix my
page 3
seal this thirtieth day of July in the
year of our Lord eighteen hundred and
William Neeld
We the undersigned do testify that the
above William Neeld in our presence
signed and cause his seal to be affixed and
acknowledge the above [ ]
[ ]
[ ] July 30, 1823
James Black
Absolom Littell
NOTE: William NEELD & Jemima (nee MERRIFIELD) are my 5th
great grandparents.
This Will was very hard to read and several areas could not be read.
The Clerk at Clark County, Indiana, made mention when I wrote for a
copy that it had gone through the flood of 1837.
Copyright© by Antoinette, November 15, 1998