
Thomas Sinex, Sr.
(photocopy - no date shown)
(date of death was June 4, 1870)
New Albany, Indiana Newspaper
We are called upon to-day to record the death of another old pioneer
of our city, Mr. Thomas Sinex, Sr., who died this morning at 8 o'clock.
There was not another citizen of New Albany more generally or
favorable known than Mr. Sinex. He was born in the State of Delaware
in 1793, consequently at the time of his death he had more than passed
the allotted three score years and ten. He emigrated to Indiana in
and settled in this city, then a very unpretending village, and in the
following year was married to the daughter of one of the most prominent
citizens of the county. In the year 1818 he joined the Methodist
Episcopal church, and all the subsequent years of his long life he was a
devoted member of that society, and an active christian gentleman,
taking part in all the religious enterprises that had for its object the
upbuilding of the cause of the Master in whose service he had enlisted.
He was beloved and honored by his fellow citizens and was frequently
called upon to serve them in official capacities, serving one term as
Associate Judge of the Circuit Court. For the last few years he had
retired, from the active pursuits of city life, to a farm in Washington
county, and a few months since came back to the city that he might
receive that medical attention that his failing health demanded, and
has been gradually sinking beneath the weight of accumulated
years and of disease until this morning, when the spirit winged its
flight to the shores of that beautiful land "over there". His
funeral will take place from Centenary Church to-morrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will doubtless be attended by a large
number of our old citizens who had learned to love, honor, and
respect Uncle Tommy Sinex.
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Copyright© by Antoinette, February 15, 1999
