
Lieuella Ozena (nee Walker)
Salem, Washington County, Indiana
October 1925
Mrs. Ella Sinex, daughter of William S. and Malissa Walker, was
born about the year 1866 near South Boston and passed away
October 19, 1925.
She was married to Thomas Sinex about thirty-five years ago. To
this union was born seven children, Mabel Wilcox of Puyallup, Wash.,
Ruth Hesse and Joyce Hesse of Tacoma, Wash., Fern Gregory of Auburn,
Wash., Reuben and Ford Sinex of Seattle, Wash., one daughter dying with
typhoid before their removal to Washington.
She joined the Cross Roads church while young and later moved her
membership to Conoway M. E. church. Still later she joined the Saints
church, living a faithful life until death.
She had been in ill health for six months before taking to her bed where
she lay for five weeks, then grew better. But her illness soon returned,
dropsy ensuing and her sufferings were very great. It lacked five days
of being four years since her husband was taken, when she, too, passed
The writer of this and his wife have passed many happy hours with both
Mr. and Mrs. Sinex at church and Sunday school when we were
"Oh, be faithful, be loyal and true,
For some one is looking to you."
S. O. Payne.
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Copyright© by Antoinette, October 18, 1999
