
Jennings County, Indiana
October 31, 1877
Death of Elizabeth Marsh.
Mrs. Elizabeth Marsh, widow of the late Samuel Marsh deceased
of Geneva township, died at the family residence, Wednesday
October 24, at 8 o'clock p.m., aged 54 years, 10 months and 11 days.
She had been in feeble health for the last few years past, and early
in November, 1876 she was thrown from a horse, sustaining serious
injuries from which in part she never recovered, and which together
with other infirmites brought about her death. At the time of the
death of Mr. Marsh, her husband, and father of the writer hereof,
which occurred on the 13th of December last, she too lay on her
death bed in an adjoining room as was thought at the time, but
lingering several days between life and death, she finally got better
and during a part of the intervening time has been able to set up.
About two months ago, she was taken with a slight attack of fever
and gradually grew worse from day to day, till relieved by deaths
angel. She was the mother of five children all of whom reside
in the immediate neighborhood, only one being married -- all girls
except the youngest, a boy of 12 or 13 years.
The funeral services occurred at Reddington, Jackson County, Friday
afternoon following, Rev. Albert Ogle, of the Baptist Church, Seymour,
officiating, after which the remains were interred in the cemetery
adjoining, by the side of her husband.
Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Chandler, who
formerly resided near old Vernon. She was a member of the Baptist
Church, at Vernon, and was married to Samuel Marsh, December
25, 1844 -- was born Dec. 5th, 1822.
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Copyright© by Antoinette, October 18, 1999
