Maryland [ ]! November the 27 day 1739. In the Name of God Amen I John
Piggen being sick & weak of body but of perfect memory Thanks be to God for
the same. I make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form
following. Revoking all Wills or Will formerly by me made or done.
Item I give my Soul to God that gave it me & my Body to the Earth hoping
through the merits of my Saviour Jesus Christ a [Remission] of my Sins.
Item I give & Bequeath unto my well beloved Wife my Dwelling Plantation
together with all the Land I hold on the Westside of Zeciah Swamp to dispose
of as she shall think Convenient & also my Personal Estate to be at her
Disposal as she shall think fit to her & her Ears forever.
Item I give & Bequeath unto my Son John Henry Piggeon all that part or
parcell of Land lying on Eastside Zeciah Swamp called now by the name of Nue
Branford to him & his Ears forever.
I Constitute & appoint my beloved Wife to be my hole & sole Exatricks of
this my last Will & Testament as Witness my hand & Seal the day & year above
the words all my & the word Nue was                                    his
Interlined before Signing or Sealing                               John p Pigeon
Signed & Sealed in the Presents of us
John x Vinson                          James E. Marr
Phillip T Mohn [Molen]           John Moore
On the back of the aforegoing Will was thus Written Viz!
Cha. County [ ]! On the Sixth day of February 1739 John Vinson, James Marr,
Philip Moreland & John Moore Subscribing Witnesses to the within Will being
Duly & solemnly Sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Do depose &
Say that they Saw John Pigeon the Testator Sign the said Will & heard him
publish & Declare the same to be his last Will & Testament & that at the
time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound &
disposing mind & memory & that they subscribed their respective names to the
said Will in the Presence of the Testator & at his Request.
                                         Sworn before                     S Hanson [D Co-----]

NOTE: John Piggen (Pigeon) and his wife Susannah [dau. of Robert & Dorothy
(nee ?) Gates] are my 7th great grandparents. Antoinette
Copyright© by Antoinette, September 11, 1998