Indenture For Robertson Heirs
Shelby County Circuit Court
Shelby County, Kentucky
October 31, 1821
Robertson Heirs
Alexander Robertson
This Indenture made the 28th day of September 1821 between
James George & Elizabeth his wife, Benjamin Letcher & Peggy
his wife, John Hand & Jane his wife, Samuel McKee & Patsy his
wife, Robert P. Letcher & Charlotte his wife, James Robertson &
George Robertson all the heirs & legal representatives of
Alexander Robertson dec'd of the one part by Samuel Jois
Commissioner for that purpose appointed by the Shelby Circuit
Court & William Crawford of Shelby County Kentucky of the other
part witnesseth whoever heretofore To Wit . at the June term
1821 of the Shelby Circuit Court in a suit in Chancery before said
Court [depending] wherein William Crawford was Complainant &
the heirs before named of Alexander Robertson dec'd were
defendants, a decree in substance as follows was rendered.
Viz. This cause came on to be heard upon the [ ] Answers &
Exhibits upon consideration whereof it is decreed & ordered that
the defendants who are the heirs at law of the said Alexander
Robertson dec'd do on or before the first day of August next convey
to him the Complainant by and in fee simple with Clause of General
Warranty warranting the said land to the Complainant so far as they
have assets descended or come to them from their [ ] the land
herein after described & by the following boundries in conformity with
the former dec'd, for the Exrs Executor to the Complainant by him
the said decedent Alexander viz. A tract of land situate in the County
of Shelby on both sides of Bullskin Creek it purporting to be one half
of [ ] [ ] [presumably] of 1000 acres & which is bounded
lines beginning at two beech & a sugar tree in the west side of a small
branch & Extending thence north East 200 poles to a hickory & Two
[ ] thence East 360 poles to an ash & [white] Oak & black Walnut
thence Sth W 250 poles to an ash & Sugar tree thence W 560 poles
to the Beginning with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging
Whereas afterwards To Wit at the September Term 1821 of the said
Circuit Court in the same suit the following order is made viz this
day came the Complainant by his Attorney & it appearing to the
satisfaction of the court that the Defendants have failed to comply
with said services & convey to the complainant the land in said
decree [many] [times]. It is now therefore ordered that Samuel Kois
[ ] who is hereby appointed Commissioner to Execute for and on
behalf of the defendants such deed to the Complainant as in said
decree is mentioned and for such said deed here in Court to be
examinded [ ]. Now Therefore this Indenture made [ ]
Witnesseth that the heirs of the said Alexander Robertson dec'd by
Samuel Kois as Commissioner for & in consideration of the premises
& the Consideration metioned in the deed from the said Alexander
Robertson To the said William Crawford VIZ The sum of Two hundred
& Twenty five pounds Virginia currency which does bear date the 13th
day of December 1794 doth here by Transfer & Convey to the said
William Crawford his heirs & assigns forever in fee simple all that
Tract or parcel of Land herein particulary described by meets & bounds
in the decree before cited with its appurtenances
To have & To hold the same with all its appurtenances to the said
William Crawford his heirs & assigns forever. & the heirs aforesaid by
the said Samuel Kois as Commissioner as far as they have assests
descended or come [ ] from their said Ancestor the said
Alexander Robertson decd is hereby Covenants To warrant & defend
said land with its appertenances to the said William Crawford his heirs
and against the title & Claim of all other persons whatsoever in as full
[ ] a manner as said. Commissioner under & by virtue of said
Decree is authorized to do. In Witness Whereof the said heirs by the
said Samuel Kois as Commissioner hereto subscribe their names &
affix their seals the day & year first within written.
Signed sealed and acknowledged
in the presence of
James George (Seal)
Elizabeth George (Seal)
Benjamin Letcher (Seal)
Peggy Letcher (Seal)
John Hand (Seal)
Jane hand (Seal)
Saml McKee (Seal)
Patsey McKee (Seal)
Robert P. Letcher (Seal)
Charlotte Letcher (Seal)
James Robertson (Seal)
George Robertson (Seal)
All by Saml Kois, Comm (seal)
Shelby Circuit Court September Term 1821
The within deed was produced in open Court
on the day of September 1821 by
Saml Kois the Commissioner therein named
& acknowledges & approved by the Court
& ordered to be recorded & then Certified
to the Clerk of the Shelby County Court to
be by him recorded and which being recorded
in my office is now Certified accordingly.
Saml Kois, Clk
Shelby County Court Office October 21st 1821
This Indenture was this day produced to me in
my office being duly certified the same was
thencefort duly recorded.
Att James S Whilcher clk
Copyright© by Antoinette January 19, 1999