This Indenture made and entered into this 24th day of January in the
Year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven, by and
between William Sampson and George Sampson his son of the County of
Sangamon and State of Illinois of the first part, and William Denton of
the County of Sangamon and State of Illinois of the second part.
Witnesseth: That the said party of the first part for and in
consideration of the sum of twenty six Dollars of lawful money of the
United States to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted,
bargained, sold, aliened, assigned, enscoffed and conveyed, and by these
presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, assign, enscoff and
convey unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, a
certain lot or piece of ground lying and being situate in the county of
Sangamon and State of Illinois, known and described as follows viz:
Being the West half of North east fourth of the North East quarter of
Section No. 33 in Township No. 19, North of Range No. Six, West of the
third Principal Meridian, containing twenty acres.
To Have and to Hold the above described lot or parcel of ground
together with all and singular the privileges or appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining to his the said party of the second
part his heirs and assigns, to and for their own proper use, behoof and
benefit forever. And the said party of the first part for themselves,
their heirs, executors and administrators do hereby covenant and agree
to and with the said party of the second part, their heirs and assigns
forever to Warrant and Defend the title to the above described premises
against the claim or claims of any and all persons claiming by, through,
or under them the said party of the first part, and against the claim or
claims of any of and all persons whatsoever, and that they the said
party of the first part are the only true and lawful owners of the said
premises, and that the same are free from all and all manner of
In testimony whereof the said party of the first
part have hereunto set there hands and seals thereof.
George X Sampson (seal)
State of Illinois }
Sangamon County } Be it remembered that on the day of the date hereof
came before the undersigned a Justice of the Peace in and for said County
William Sampson and George Sampson, who were personally known by said
Justice to be the identical persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing
Deed of Conveyance, and who then severally acknowledged their voluntary
execution of the same for the purpose therein expressed.
Given under my hand and seal this 24th day of
January 1837
Coleman Smoot (seal)
Justice of Peace
Copyright© by Antoinette, August 01, 1999