March Term, 1906 Hon. Willard New, Judge
Monday Morning March 19-1906 Court met pursuant to adjournment, Present
same Judge and Officers as on Saturday.
Nancy Waughtel, Josiah Waughtel } Ex Parte Partitioner
George Waughtel, James Waughtel }
John Waughtel, Charles Waughtel }
and Belle Patton }
Comes now Nancy Waughtel, Josiah Waughtel, George Waughtel, James
Waughtel, John Waughtel, Charles Waughtel and Belle Patton and file
their petition for the partition of certain Real Estate in said County of
Jennings which petition is in the words and figures following to-wit:
(Here insert)
And said petition and all things relating thereto, having been heard
and considered by the court and the court fully advised finds that all
the material overments in said petition are true, that the said Nancy
Waughtel is the widow of James Waughtel who died testate at said
Jennings County on the 19th day of February 1906, that said other
petitioners herein are the children of same James Waughtel deceased
and with said widow are the sole and only heirs at law and also under
the will of said James Waughtel deceased.
That said James Waughtel deceased died the owner in fee simple of the
following described real estate in the County of Jennings State of
Indiana to wit:
The South East one fourth of the North East quarter of Section twenty
nine (29) in Township Eight North of Range Seven (7) East being 40 acres
more or less.
Also the West one half of the North West quarter of Section twenty
eight (28) in said township and Range being 80 acres more or less. Also
the North one half (1/2) of the South West quarter of said Section
twenty eight (28) being eighty acres more or less. Also five acres in
the North West corner of the South one half of the South West quarter of
said Section twenty eight described as follows: Beginning at the North
West corner of said South one half (1/2) of said South West quarter then
South to the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, thence South East with
said railroad a sufficient distance when running a line to the East and
West line dividing said south one half (1/2) from the North one half
(1/2) of said south West quarter of said Section twenty eight (28) to
include 5 acres.
Also the Northeast one fourth (1/4) of the North East quarter of said
Section twenty nine being 40 acres more or less.
Also the Northeast quarter of said Section twenty eight (28) being one
hundred and sixty (160) acres more or less.
Also the East one half (1/2) of the North West quarter of said Section
28 (28) being 80 acres more or less.
Also that part of the North West one fourth (1/4) of the South East
quarter of said Section twenty eight (28) that lies North and West of
[----------- ]Wind Branch being twenty acres more or less. Said above
described tracts containing 505 acres more or less.
That the said Nancy Waughtel desires that the several shares now owned
in remainder after the expiration of her life estate by her said
children said other petitioners be now set off to them in severalty
subject to her life estate in each share so set off and that said
partition be made in all things in accordance with said will, and that
all of said petitions joint in the request thus such partition be so
made that said will of said James Waughtel deceased was duly probated in
said Court on the 5th day of March, 1906. And among the other things
bequeaths to said Nancy Waughtel life estate in all of said lands and to
said George Waughtel subject to the life estate of said Nancy the
following described land in Jennings County, Indiana, to-wit:
Also the North one half (1/2) of the South West quarter of said Section
twenty eight (28) being 80 acres more or less.
Also five acres in the North West corner of the South one half (1/2) of
the South West quarter of said Section twenty eight (28) described as
follows: Beginning at the North West corner on said south one half
(1/2) of said South West quarter thence South to the Madison and
Indianapolis road thence South East with said railroad a sufficient
distance when running a line to the East and West line dividing said
South one half (1/2) from the North one half (1/2) of said South West
quarter of said Section twenty eight (28) to include 5 acres. That this
said Abram Waughtel mentioned in said will died unmarried in testate and
without issue on the 31st day of January, 1903 and that the said Genette
Couchman died intestate and without issue on the 19th day of August,
1898. That said will provides that the said James Waughtel shall have,
Four hundred dollars the said Charles Waughtel six hundred and fifty
dollars and the said Bell Patton nine hundred dollars in addition to the
share each owns in said lands in order to make all his children equal.
That said executor, Isaiah L. Green, named in said will renounced his
right to administer under said will which renunciation is in writing and
was filed in the court on March 5, 1906, that no letters of administration
have been issued on said estate and as the heirs are all of age and the
debts provided for no necessity exists for the issue of letters of administration.
It is therefore considered and adjudged by the court that partition be
made of all of said real estate as follows: that there be set off to
George Waughtel the two tracts of land amounting to 85 as above
described subject to the life estate of Nancy Waughtel therein.
That the remainder of said real estate after so setting of said amount
of land to said George Waughtel subject to the said life estate of the
said Nancy Waughtel as above mentioned be divided equally between said
Josiah Waughtel, James Waughtel, John Waughtel, Charles Waughtel and
Belle Patton giving to each of them 1/5 part in value of said remainder
of said lands. Except that there be added to the share of said James
Waughtel five hundred dollars (500.00) in value of said lands, and to
Charles Waughtel six hundred and fifty dollars in value of said lands
and to said Belle Patton nine hundred dollars in value of said lands and
that each and all of the share so set off shall be held by each and all
of said parties subject to the life estate of said Nancy Waughtel in all
of said real estate. That a reasonable fee for the attorney of said
petitioners herein is the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars which
shall be taxed and collected as a part of the costs herein.
That Daniel B. Clapp, Daniel Maloney and Charles B. Curtis are hereby
appointed to make partition of said lands and that they report their
proceedings herein to this court.
That the costs and attorneys fees herein be paid in equal shares by the
said Josiah Waughtel, George Waughtel, James Waughtel, John Waughtel,
Charles Waughtel and Belle Patton.
Copyright© by Antoinette, August 01, 1999